
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Another Award! by Lee, Phod, Nin and Baggy

Our good friends Mollie and Alfie gave us this award. Thanks! Since our Lady wouldn't let us give Oscar Style speeches last time, we have distracted her and taken over the blog so we can each give our speech.

Lee: Thanks, I am sweet and deserve all the awards and attention and everything. I am a princess and should be treated like it. Thanks to Mollie and Alfie for acknowledging this. Thanks to the people at Catahoula who rescued me so I could grow up to be a demanding princess. I am not thanking my people cause they make me wear a horrible hug.

Phod: Thanks to my rescuers, my people, my Lee, my Nin, my Baggy and everyone who reads this. I hope you all love me and I make you happy. I try really hard.

Baggy: Clearly this was awarded cause of me. People only tune in for me. I think I should be featured more in this blog. I think it would increase readership. Thanks. 

Nin: What an award is? What speech is? Meow, purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. 

Some people to pass this on to:

The blog that almost always makes me cry (both joy and sorrow):  Mel's Furry Four Legged Foster Friends

The blog that always makes me laugh: Molly the Wally

The blog that always makes me go awwwww I want a kitten! Tails from foster kittens


  1. Congrats on the awards guys, Lee & Phod you deserve it, not so much the peeps, you need to steal the blog more often, Heeheehee.

    Your Furiends
    Susie & Bites

  2. Hey Lee, Hey Phod, Hey Nin, Jet here.

    Congrats, most deserved... you deserve to have your speechifying time!!!

    1. We wanted to write more, but we kept fighting over the computer!

  3. Congratulations on your award and Phod we love you! Many thanks we will pop it on our award page and in our post tomorrow. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Nice award......specially if you could eat it! BOL!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

    1. It probably has gluten and would make our Lady sick and then she would have to stay home with us, so we think eating it is a good idea!

  5. Hi Again guys, just a comment about the christmas card list, we tried to send you an address correction with the email that is on the card listings. When we did a notification came back saying your mail address was not good. You might what to check it out on Jazzi's blog site. Anyway here's the correction;
    for us; 79 Shirley Lane N.E. (NOT NY). come and leave a comment, would realyy like to have your correct email.

    Thanks much
    Susie & Bites

  6. Congrats! That's a pretty sweet award! :)


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