
Monday, November 12, 2012

Mischief Monday - No drinking while you drive by Lee

 For those who missed it, last week we started a campaign of punishment for the Lady for leaving us. You can read about it here. On Friday we thought we would continue our crusade to never be left alone with "Operation no drinking while you are driving." We imagined our Lady would miss her tea or hot lemon water on the go.

Travel mug lid found in our bed

 Our Lady was surprised because she thought she had pushed everything back far enough. It was sitting about here on the counter.
Far back on counter

Our Lady did this thing where she took us to the counter and made us stand up to see who would reach it. Turns out it was too far back for me (the one who counter surfs all the time in front of the people), but not too far back for Phod, who has never been seen to counter surf.  Our Lady tried to get to the bottom of this by interrogating us.

As you can see we plead the 5th!

Our Lady is probably going to get really creative with where things are kept now and we are going to have to come up with new mischief.


  1. Ha ha Phod we love you and your antics when they don't hurt Lady. You sweet face was a picture. Have a lovely Mischief Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. You two are really good at Mischief..BOL I'm gonna have to take a leaf out of your bad book :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  3. Lol... you doggies seem pretty creative. I'm sure you will come up with some more good punishments in the future hehe.

  4. Nobody's talking, eh? Seems I just read a blog with a dog who solves mysteries. Hmmm ...

  5. BOL! I love it!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  6. Ha!Ha! What a great interrogation video! Stick together and hold your silence! What about Baggy or Nin? Tell the Lady that one of them gave it to you. :)

  7. Hi new friend! You guys are so cute
    Benny & Lily

  8. Silly puppies! You may never solve the crime!

  9. too funny...we don't think they did it!!!

    gracie and schatzie :)

  10. Don't cave in guys - it's purely circumstantial!! They always try to trick you like that!! They have to prove you 'Beyond A Reasonable Doubt' remember!! :)

    Wags to all and great job - Tee Hee

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  11. Thank you all for your support. We like to keep the mystery here!


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