
Thursday, June 27, 2024

Phod Update

Last week the vet called to let us know that Phod was fortunate enough to not have just one but two bacteria infections and the only treatment is very expensive antibiotics. So we started him on these last week. We had been following the directions and giving it without food, but this made him sick (nothing like watching your dog puke up $29 worth of medication). After talking to the vet, we now give after he eats and this seems to be going better. 

Lady dragged me out of the closet to get a picture. I just got back from the vet, I want to sleep! 

He had a follow up appointment on Tuesday. The good news is his ear infection is cleared up. The not so good news is his skin  isn't cleared up. This means we get to continue with not only the medications but with the foam. 

In other good news is, he seems much more comfortable right now and is not nearly as itchy. Not that we see him much, as he spends 90% of his day sleeping in the closet.

It is hard to be an old Phod!

Thanks for all the POTP for him. 


  1. Hari OM
    And the POTP will continue without break! This itchy business is no fun at all. Glad the ears are better though, Phoddy! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Dear p h o d, we know all about how it feels to be old bo and his parents so we can relate to laying around sleeping all the time which is mostly what we do here. I'm glad you have a safe closet to sleep in and that the antibiotics are helping and I hope that the antibiotics and the phone will clear up the infection in your first love you

  3. dear phod we sent lots and lots potp to you... da nelly puked the golden and diamond plated pills on the pillow too... and you will not believe what she! did... yes... she did it and it looked like new so... humans huh?

  4. It's no fun when the medicine you need to get better makes you sick, Phod. We have our paws crossed that you will feel better soon.

  5. Hang in there Phoddy, we love you!!
    Rosy & Sunny

  6. We hope you feel better soon, Phod. Getting older is not easy.

  7. PHOD bless your sweet heart...itches are horrible and then made worse by the hot weather too.
    Is the closet cool?
    Sending hugs to you and your devoted staff and sister

  8. I think when I get old I will sleep in a closet most of the day as well. Cool , quiet, comfy!
    I don't know if it is something going around but my bil dog also has the itchy skin spot and needs a certain medicine and a shot

  9. An old Phod is still the same Phod. We are so sorry he has to endure so much. We can only offer you lots and lots of POTP and prayers for a good recovery. That medication must be so hard on the poor guy's tummy.. Why is it that things that suppose to make you better end up making you feel sick. Hugs, buddy.

    Woos - Misty and Timber and Mom

  10. Hang in there, handsome! Sending some prayers and POTP for a quick recovery.


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