
Friday, June 28, 2024

FFF Nature Friday - How Does Your Garden Grow - by Phod

 Hi pals, 

I am starting this post with the most important, me! 

Here is my FFF portion of this post:

There once was a handsome boy

who had a ball as his favourite toy.

in the grass he would roll,

this silly gentle soul

and when the camera came out, he was coy.

Lady says I should also share some nature for Nature Friday, so here are some of the flowers I sniff and maybe pee on in the yard. 

Look who stopped by for dinner the other day!

Thanks to Rosy and Sunny  and Aunty-Yam for hosting these events.

Your pal, Handsome Phod


  1. we love your flowers... and we love to roll in the grass... specially when it is decorated with pigeon poop... but don't tell our mama hahaha

  2. Hari Om
    Well done Phoddy! Excellent Limerick and fab florals! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Phod OMDs your poem is absolutely beautiful...but your photo is a show stopper.
    Thank Lady for sharing her flowers too

  4. Your flowers are beautiful, Phod and I haven't rolled in the grass - not yet, anyway. Maybe I need to give it a try?

  5. What a wonderful poem Phod...and those flowers are beautimous!
    Rosy & Sunny

  6. That's a great poem and such pretty flowers, Phod. Walter pees on lots of our flowers too.

  7. Handsome Phod - you should have led with that line - you ARE handsome!!! We hope you are feeling better and thanks for sharing your beautiful flowers. We think that deer was in our yard a few weeks ago eating berries from the tree just outside our fence.

    Woos - Misty and Timber


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