
Thursday, March 10, 2022

Taking Advantage of Some Freedom - by Lee

As I have mentioned before, after 11.5 years, I finally have my peeps trained and they are letting me off leash in some very controlled situations.

If Lady didn't want me to go this way, she wouldn't have made a snowshoe track!

Here I am looking toward the feeders to see if lunch some lovely wildlife is around.

I do have an advantage this time of year, because the snow makes it harder for them to follow me if I venture out back.

Do you see me?

Don't worry, after I did my business, I reluctantly came back and they weren't required to get their snowshoes and follow me! 


  1. we agree... if there is a path you can use it...

  2. Hari OM
    ...I wonder if you would have been even more reluctant if there had not been very cold snow under your paws, Hailey? But for now- good girl!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. You look like you are having a fun time in the snow.. Good Girl Hailey. Beau never gets off leash except in the fenced back yard. he is jealous or would be if he knew. he is not feeling well today

  4. Good girl, Hailey. You wouldn't want to make your parents mad and not let you go off leash again.

  5. Hey, if you find "wild lunch", let me know ... I'd like to join you ...

  6. I do spy your Lee....that is a lot of SNOW! I know all of you will be happy for it to melt too
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Some dogs just can't resist a walk-about!

  8. Exploring on your own sounds like so much fun, Hailey. I wish I could but mom says if she let me off my leash, she'd probably never see me again.

  9. What a beautiful place to explore! How nice of you to come back without making your humans come after you...I don't know if we would have been able to do that! BOL
    Jakey, Rosy & Sunny

  10. It took you a long time to train your peeps, but it was worth it.

  11. Wow! You still have quite a lot of snow! And it's all so nice and white. (All of ours is gone, except for the dirty piles in parking lots.) You're lucky you got to go and explore without a leash!


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