
Monday, May 31, 2021

Mischief Monday - Not Caused By Us!

 Our neighbourhood has started a new thing - Friday nights a couple households meet at a fire pit. While our Covid restrictions are slowly decreasing (we don't have a curfew anymore, more businesses are opening) we are still day 441 of lockdown. At the fire this week, the neighbours who own the field across from us were discussing their goose problem. About 30 Canadian geese have moved in and are making a huge poop mess. They asked if we could walk in the field some to help deter the geese.

We don't know how big the field is, but it must be at least 7 acres. It is mostly fenced with the old horse fence. This means we can run. While Hailey hasn't been off leash in it yet, she has been loose leash and 🤞 is doing well.

Here are a few pictures from the field. 

Friday, May 28, 2021

FFF Nature Friday - Our Lake

 Thanks to Rosy for hosting Nature Friday and thanks to Aunty-Yam for hosting Final Fiction Friday. 

The sun may not shine
The water is very cold
But peace can be found

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Thankful Thursday - Neighbour Callie

 Besides being a good friend to play with, and leaving us pee mail to smell. Callie is a great neighbour because . . .

She is apparently a very picky eater so sometimes we get cookies she doesn't like.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021


As we have mentioned Lady's parents have moved closer. Instead of a 9 hour drive it is about an hour and a half. They are very slowly settling into the new house. 

Lady and Man had to go help them with more unpacking stuff. (At the rate they are going it will be 2 years before they are moved in fully.) Because their was thunder in the forecast and Lee is not on drugs, we got to go too! 

Phod don't get sick in the car! 

Hailey was beside her self excited! 

There was so much to sniff and so much to do. We were very good pups and Grammie wasn't even mad when Lee pooped on the floor. Fortunately Lee (who had just been outside and pooped not 5 minutes before) went to the furnace room and not on the carpet. 

I'll get the door for you.

Apparently we haven't unpacked the dog water bowl yet. 

Glad my chair made the move.

So happy to be here! 

Moving is hard work! 

Friday, May 21, 2021

Nature Friday - A Walk - by Phod

Dear pals,

Lady did something unusual last weekend, she grabbed her phone so she could take some pictures on our morning walk.

It was a nice sunny morning. We were out before the black flies were. They are terrible this year and make us want to stay inside!

Come on Lady let's go!

We walked to the pond. It is about a km or .66 miles from our house.

This is an important pond because it is also a place for fire fighters to access water for forest fires.

The spring has the hills (which are part of the Canadian Shield - a large area of exposed rock that is the geological core of North America) are alive with trilliums. In places there are thousands. Unfortunately those are in places off the highway Lady can't safely photograph. Here are a few. 

Hope you enjoyed this walk. I needed a nap after it! 

 Thanks to Rosy for hosting Nature Friday.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

New Supervisor

 On Friday, I was in a training until 5:30. The Man finished his day and went for a nap. Usually Lee will join the person napping. She loves a bed nap. However, she decided to take Phod's job as supervisor. (Phod had go with Man). 

She says that while I worked well, she is mad that her 4pm walk was so late! 

Monday, May 17, 2021

Mischief Monday - Messing With The Routine

 We have discovered in the past 427 days (that is how long our lockdown has been) that our boy dog is very set in his routine. He likes when we do things at about the same time everyday and he likes that we sit in the same spot.

Last week, the Man sat beside the Lady in the settee. Usually Man sits in the recliner.

Our boy sat there looking very unhappy. The humans found it very funny and now occasionally do it for fun! 

Friday, May 14, 2021

Nature Friday - Mischief

Recently we shared our gymnast squirrel. A day or two after that picture was taken, she must have had enough as she threw the feeder down. When Lady went to pick it up later, it was quite far from where it was hanging.

Fortunately it was not broken.

We would also like to share the only yellow from a bag of white and pink.

 Thanks to Rosy for hosting Nature Friday! 

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Supervisor Troubles

On my work at home days, which is usually 3 days currently, my boy feels he must be in the office. As my work is confidential and I spend a lot of time video chatting, I like to keep the door closed. Man is generally working outside my office door as he is still home every day. 

This is generally a fine arrangement. My boy curls up and sleeps. Occasionally Lee will bark at something and I will need to let him out, but usually you would hardly know he is there.

Except there is one problem. Sometimes, usually around 10 am, my boy can be gassy. It can be so bad My eyes water and I want to gag. Usually I have a call at this time, so I just have to pretend I am not being gassed our.

I look forward to warmer days when I can open a window!

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Tasty Tuesday - Treat!

A new ice cream shop opened up about 10 minutes from ourplace. On Saturday we checked it out. Unfortunately due to my personal preferences and soy, there was nothing for me. However the Man was able to get a cone.

As this was likely one of the few times we have had vanilla ice cream in the house (if I am going to have the limited diary I can eat, it is only going to go on chocolate), the pups got a lick.

Turns out Lee loves vanilla ice cream. Phod, as always, was convinced we were trying to poison him. 

Next time, we may need to get a puppy cone! 

Monday, May 10, 2021

Michief Monday - Destruction Light - by Lee

Dear pals,

On Friday afternoon I was feeling a little out of sorts. Lady isn't sure why, but maybe it was because it was raining. I scratched Lady's door until she let me in. I started to dig up the bed by the desk. 

Then I started to take tissues from the garbage and 

destroy them all over the bed.

Even thought Lady and the person she was video chatting with had a chuckle, I was finally able to settle down and relax.

Lady says to tell you the movie she was referring to in Friday's post was from Faye's guess, X-Man Origins Wolverine. Lady went for Hugh Jackman as Wolverine (he is her favourite kind of character) but stayed for Liev Schreiber as Victor. 

Friday, May 7, 2021

Nature Friday - She's A Gymnast

 Thanks to Rosy for hosting Nature Friday. 

Lady was a little distracted Wednesday by this little squirrel. Her use of the wire is impressive. 

Bonus points to anyone (other than Man who will just be impressed Lady remember not only seeing a movie but a line from it and she really should as she watched it 7 times in 14 days when it came out . . .) who knows the movie the title of this post was taken from. (Clearly Lady was a little obsessed as it is one of the few she saw in theatres many times - including a midnight screening. Lady rarely stays up past 9 so this was a big deal!) 

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Assistant Professor Phod - Grass Angels

 Good morning class,

As you may recall, in the winter we had a lesson on snow angels. While these are my speciality and my favourite type of angels, one must not neglect the grass angel. 

The advantages of the grass angel are they can be done when there is no snow, they are much warmer, they can make you good and dirty. Humans do not have an appreciation for dirt. 

I like to start wit my sides and face 

and then end on my back. It is important to really push your shoulders into the dirt. 

 I hope this tutorial was helpful. Happy angel making!

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

May The 4th Be With You

 Episode 414: A Pandemic Hope

It is a period of a pandemic. Novel viruses'are striking from all corners of the planet in an attempt to eradicate humans. 

During this, humans are sitting at home a lot more with clearly not enough to do, and free access to the Internet.

Pursued by a camera, Yoda (aka Phod) and Princess Leia (aka Lee) wait patiently for cookies and  for a time when the government restores freedom to their very annoying humans . . . 

I got a bad feeling about this! 

Y: Patience you must have when Lady camera has. 

L: May the cookies be with you.

L: You are going to regret this . . . . . Let's get out of here. 

L: Stay still Phod. It is our only hope.