
Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Tasty Tuesday - Treat!

A new ice cream shop opened up about 10 minutes from ourplace. On Saturday we checked it out. Unfortunately due to my personal preferences and soy, there was nothing for me. However the Man was able to get a cone.

As this was likely one of the few times we have had vanilla ice cream in the house (if I am going to have the limited diary I can eat, it is only going to go on chocolate), the pups got a lick.

Turns out Lee loves vanilla ice cream. Phod, as always, was convinced we were trying to poison him. 

Next time, we may need to get a puppy cone! 


  1. oh my a new ice cream shop? tell us more please!!!!!

  2. We has the most fantastic ice cream shop when we lived near Walpole, New Hampshire. It remains memorable, and (ordinarily) I am not even an ice cream fan. When James Bone was a puppy, we would take him with us for his little treat of vanilla. Your story brings back great memories!

  3. Hari OM
    Well, I am not that much of an icecream fan, if the truth be told - then again, a really good vanilla scoop could persuade me - as it clearly has for Hailey!!! YAM xx

  4. I don't eat ice cream because I gave up sugar, but i have the same dairy problem you do. if I eat dairy I have to take 2 pills before I eat it. if I were eating ice cream my pick is vanilla and Bob's is chocolate. nearly choked on my coffee when I read Phod thought you were trying to poison him.. we have yet to offer any thing considered food that Beau refused. I LOVE your home, the bright opne space and windows are my taste

  5. We love ice cream. You should try it, Phod. We know you will like it too.

  6. We haven't had ice cream in ages! Not that we don't like it. But because of the calories.

  7. OMDs I don't need but I would like an ice cream shop 10 minutes from here. Well technically I do the grocery store. I 100000% agree if I'm packing on calories it will be from Chocolate!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Wowsers...Jakey and Phod have a lot in common. the rest of us LOVE vanilla ice cream!

  9. Get in there, P! It's ice cream! It's not poison! Blerg.

    Love and licks,

  10. Ice cream is the bestest! You gotta give it a try, Phod!

  11. OoOOoOOooooo Vanilla! Cinnies Favorite!

  12. Ooooooo! I LOVES me some IScream!!!!! I gets to lick Ma's bowl every time she has some!
    Phod.....don't be embarrassed...I thinks Ma is tryin' to poison me with new stuffs too....I usually toss it around til I determine whether it is safe or not.
    Ruby ♥

  13. the one nice thing about vanilla is you can't go wrong because you can add ANYthing. Lucky Lee!


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