
Monday, April 12, 2021

No Mischief On Monday - The Snow Is Gone - Winner!

Although on the weekend Facebook reminded up that 2 years ago and 3 years ago we had storms, we are thrilled to report the last of the snow is gone! 

For those who guessed later in the month, don't be sad. Previous years the snow has left between April 26-May 11. This is a very early spring.

This is the spot the last of the snow melted.

The last of the snow melted in the morning of April 11. That means this year's winners are Marv and the gang. Marv, please email us at leeandphodATbellDOTca (Lady will also try to reach out.)

Thanks to everyone who played! 


  1. congrats marv and furmily!!! and we hope marv has spring in his part of catnada too...

  2. OH Yay,, congratulations to Marv and the gang on the win. Hailey looks happy about the snow gone butt I am thinking phod might miss it.

  3. Congratulations to Marv and his gang! Let spring officially begin!

  4. Way to go Marv....and Lady, for a fun contest!

  5. Hari OM
    Yaaayay - Marv and his crew will be so excited by this win - they deserve that lift! And congrats to you for being snow free at last. Can't say the same here - snow fell again yesterday!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Congratulations Marv. Although we are disappointed not to win, we are pleased for you that your winter has ended relatively early this year. We woke up to a sprinkling of new snow on the street this morning!

  7. WTG MARV and Mom...Marv is one smart and funny man cat
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Hooray for the snow being gone! And hooray for Marv and his family too!

  9. Congrats to Marv and family and congrats to you for having all that snow gone so early this year.

  10. Congrats to Marv and family!!! We just hope the snow is REALLY gone until next winter:)

    Woos - Ligtning, Misty, and Timber

  11. Oh! My Cod! We can't believe we winned! This is terrific! By the way,we woke up to a skiff of snow on Saturday here in the mountains in Beautiful British Columbia! You may still get some snow! We hope you too have a marvellously happy day!

  12. So glad the snow is gone.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  13. WooooHoooo!!!! Congrats Marv!!!! YOu smart kitteh you!!!
    Ma is a little sad it's gone....she wanted you guys to do one last snow roach!
    Ruby ♥


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