
Friday, May 15, 2020

Nature Friday - Neighbours by Phod

Spring is here, so our neighbours are back! The other day, I didn't get to play ball at lunch because one came over for lunch! Man also didn't like that I was jumping up and scratching the screen as I welcomed her over! 

She was alone in the yard, but we are sure others were around too! We see 4-7 of them often. 

On our evening walks recently by a cottage down the road we have spotted Ms. Fox. Lady has been traveling with a better camera the last week or so, but Ms Fox has become elusive. This is the best picture she has gotten so far. Can you spot her?

Thanks to Rosy and the Boyz for hosting this hop!


  1. wow you have interesting neighbors... we have only dramacula...sigh...

  2. Hari OM
    Oh yes, I see the fox! what wonderful neighbours - you live in a great place! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. I see the fox!! We have foxen here in suburban Maryland (an area between Baltimore and Washington) as well as WAY too many half-starved deer.

  4. Hi, Phod, I know you are excited to see your neighbors (finally)! That's a great photo of the elusive fox. /Fay, cardis3, new Spoo

  5. i finally found the fox, once i found her i could not unsee her. she is beautiful. we have zero pictures of raccoons, possums, and other critters, but i did finally get the bunny shot

  6. It's always good to meet the neighbours. We see Ms Fox in the middle of the picture.

  7. Wow, Momma read your post and started to say "Silly Phod, you know it's Thursday!" Then realized days have no meaning and it really is Friday, so I made her go put up the post I've had sitting in drafts for days that she was definitely going to finish before Friday. Sigh. I think my human is losing it.

  8. My ghostwriter says she's been seeing a lot of deer around the area where the nursing home is when she gets out of work at night. The home is in a small country town that has little patches of woods here and there. The deer know nobody will be hunting them there, so they are not very shy.

  9. We see Ms Fox but we had to bigify to spot her!

  10. Dang Phod...first Man wants you to walk into the dark deep tunnels just for a treat now no screen jumping. He has lots of rules. BOL BOL
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Took a bit of looking. But we see her!!

  12. We get deer in our yard all the time too. But we've never had a fox. How cool! The other day, a coyote ran through our yard...we stay away from them.

  13. So much to see from your windows, Phod. We see a family of fox trot through the green space behind our house sometimes. Once in a while we see some deer, but they live dangerously as they try to cross the busy street near us, and they aren't always successful:(

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  14. We can't believe your Man didn't let you go out and greet your neighbor. Maybe next time. We spotted Mrs. Fox, what a cutie she is!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  15. It's too bad your visitor disrupted your ball playing time. Those foxes sure can be elusive can't they. Do you have any little babies yet?

  16. You have some of the most fur-bulous guests!

  17. Ma didn't see Mr. Fox, I had to point him out to her...sigh.
    I hopes you finally gots to play with your ball ~ I knows how impawtent that is!
    Ruby ♥


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