
Friday, February 28, 2020

Nature Friday - At the Feeder

Out on the deck watching for the birds

The week Lady was sick, she didn't get out to her feeder (she could barely get out of bed). When she did go out to fill them up she found this:

Looks like someone was not happy with the service. A new feeder has been ordered!

ThanksRosy and the Boyz for hosting Nature Friday!

Thursday, February 27, 2020

When They Don't Leave Fast Enough

On the weekend, Lady and Man were getting ready to do some errands. Lady had gotten the going out the greenie. She had gone briefly into the garage to put something in the garbage.  She returned to the house to wait for the Man, who was apparently taking a long time. Lee waited impatiently for her greenie.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Lee's Annual Check Up - by Lee

As I mentioned yesterday, my Lady was pretty sick last week, but was well enough in time to take me to the vet for my annual check up. 

I cried the whole way in the car. Lady is sure Phod cried the whole time we were gone as he is not use to being alone.

I didn't have to wait long before I had to go on the scale (Lady says Lady's don't share their weight, but since I am not really a Lady, I will say, I am 40 lbs), and was taken to my room. 

I had to wait in the room forever. I did not like it. But as soon as the vet came in, I went to his feet and sat. I remembered he gave me cookies.

I was very good during the exam. Dr. W checked ever inch of me because Lady noted that 4 times in the previous week, I had randomly screamed. She said it wasn't enough to go in, but since I was there . . . . .  Dr. W found a slightly tender spot in my back and said I had a pinched nerve or pulled muscle. He suggested rest (which I have not being doing that well with) and monitoring. Lady hasn't noticed any yelling the past few days, so maybe I am cured.

I took my shots like a champ. While we were waiting to pay, as the tech was teaching someone new, I had to wait a long time. I kept barking at Lady to leave.

I slept all the way home. 

I am not sure who was happier we were home, Phod or me! 

Anyway, I am a healthy girl, whose age is starting to show.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Mischief Monday - 5 Days in Bed -by Lee

Dear pals,

We had a very terrible few days last week. Our Lady, whose trip to Africa was cancelled for fear she could contract Corona, went to Sault Ste Marie for 4 days for work and contracted the influenza.

She says it was the sickest she has been in years. She spent 5 days in bed.

While Phod was scared of her the first few days and kept his distance, I, Miss Hailey Bug, thought a 5 day bed nap was the best thing ever!

I slept across her legs

I did share with Phod a few times

More sleeping on her legs

I curled up beside her

I made sure the covers were just right

After 5 days, Lady started to get out of bed. After another 2 she left the house for work. She is much better now, although not 100% but is getting there.

While I am glad she is better, I am going to miss bed naps.

your pal, Lee

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Thankful Thursday - Thanks Speedy

We are delayed in sending our heartfelt thanks to our dear pal Speedy the Bunny. We entered his annual Christmas countdown and our entry was one of his favourites. We won a prize!

From all the way from the other side of the pond we got this!

We have been working very hard (especially Hailey) to make sure those tree rats get the fate they deserve!

Thanks Speedy!

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Listening to a Mountain Lion

I am  a huge admirer of KB Bear's Blog. If you do not know it, I highly recommends you check it out. Not only is KB an amazing dog owner and trainer, she shares some of the most incredible wildlife footage from her trail cam's in the Rocky Mountains near Denver. 

On the weekend, I was listening to her video of a Mountain Lion calling. Lee wan't sure what to make of it!

Monday, February 10, 2020

Mischief Monday - Lady's Home and Then Gone Again

Well pals, as we mentioned last week, due to the latest Coronavirus, the Lady's travel plans to Africa were put on hold. 2 weeks before she was to leave for Africa, she took a business trip to Northern Ontario, where she consults. The video is of her coming back into the house after being gone for a week. 

Lady left yesterday for another 3 nights away up north. She also booked another trip for early March. She says if she is going to be here, she might as well work.

So she is not world traveling, but she is not really here either.

Does anyone else have this problem with their Lady (or Man)?

Friday, February 7, 2020

Nature Friday - Our Bird Feeder is Really

A Squirrel Feeder!

They squirrels and the blue jays (we had at least a dozen at one time on Wednesday) are emptying it quickly!

He gets points for form!

Thanks to Rosy and the Boyz for hosting this day, even if Lady picks to share tree rats!

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Terrible Tuesday - Plans Postponed by Lee

Pals, a few weeks ago we said we were going to be away for a bit off adventuring. Instead, our Lady is learning to live with being flexible. You see she was suppose to leave for New York City this morning for a couple days of training before heading to Tanzania with the Global Autism Project. After 2 weeks of crazy preparations, mainly for work, especially for lady's who don't get paid when they don't work, around 7 pm on Saturday evening, she received an email saying that due to the Coronavirus all trips for February were cancelled. So for the past couple days Lady has been busy rescheduling a February here. She keeps saying it is Flexible February. 

Now Lady is having me write this so she doesn't go on a tirade about her believed over reaction to this new, but not new virus. She won't say the deer she was within centimetres of hitting yesterday morning is a greater threat to her personal safety. Instead I will say, she is disappointed and a little frustrated. She is also learning to respect other people have different concerns regarding health and personal safety. 

You may be asking, what about all the $$$$$$$ she had to raise for this trip? Many of our friends were generous donors for this. Well, never fear friends, your donated money will allow her to go on a trip later this year. The next trips run in July and October. Lady will be placed on a team soon. It is a huge undertaking for the organization to reschedule what Lady guesses is about 100 people. 

So while Lady is a little upset, we are very, very happy to have her home. Even if it was very confusing on Saturday with the packing the suitcase and unpacking the suitcase (and by suitcase we mean carryon size backpack, Lady has learned to pack small!)

If Lady can get herself organized, we will be back to blogging and visiting you all (we really miss you) soon!

Hailey Bug