
Thursday, February 13, 2020

Thankful Thursday - Thanks Speedy

We are delayed in sending our heartfelt thanks to our dear pal Speedy the Bunny. We entered his annual Christmas countdown and our entry was one of his favourites. We won a prize!

From all the way from the other side of the pond we got this!

We have been working very hard (especially Hailey) to make sure those tree rats get the fate they deserve!

Thanks Speedy!


  1. ohhhhh that#s a super game... are they confetti now?

  2. What a nice pressie from Speedy. You are making great progress on those tree rats Hailey.

  3. Hari OM
    OMD - delayed gratification! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Oh my goodness! I'd be flipping out if I got squeaky toys like that!

  5. Speedy is quite the shopper....
    not even a Squirrel hidey hole can keep a determined gal like Hailey at bay!!
    Hugs HiC

  6. Those squirrels would have been better off hiding...

  7. OMD, I gots at least three of those, and they are pawsome! I HIGH PAW you gurl ~ those tree rats should be silenced and de-fluffed fursure! CONGRATS my furiends! Speedy sure does knows what a doggie likes!
    Ruby ♥

  8. OMD, I had one of those! I inherited it from Angel Casey, and it was my very favoritest toy when I first came to live with Momma. The trick is that you can't just shred the squirrels. You have to destroy the whole tree so no more can move in!! That's what I did!

  9. Elsa clapped her paws at the mere thought there might be one less squirrel in the world.

  10. What a fun prize - We could use some of your technique on our 6 tree rats.... Why do they always have friends and bring them along?

  11. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Congratulations, that looks like a fun toy! Yay!!!


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