
Monday, February 24, 2020

Mischief Monday - 5 Days in Bed -by Lee

Dear pals,

We had a very terrible few days last week. Our Lady, whose trip to Africa was cancelled for fear she could contract Corona, went to Sault Ste Marie for 4 days for work and contracted the influenza.

She says it was the sickest she has been in years. She spent 5 days in bed.

While Phod was scared of her the first few days and kept his distance, I, Miss Hailey Bug, thought a 5 day bed nap was the best thing ever!

I slept across her legs

I did share with Phod a few times

More sleeping on her legs

I curled up beside her

I made sure the covers were just right

After 5 days, Lady started to get out of bed. After another 2 she left the house for work. She is much better now, although not 100% but is getting there.

While I am glad she is better, I am going to miss bed naps.

your pal, Lee


  1. thanks to you professor lee... you have da healing paws!!!

  2. You are the bestest nurse ever and we're so happy that Lady is on the mend and feeling better.

  3. we saw on the news yesterday that this season has been the worst flu season in decades. so glad your mom is better. Big boy did what you did, Lee, slept with daddy while he recouperates from surgery and a virus.

  4. Your mom is so lucky to have you for a nurse Hailey. We're glad to hear she is feeling better.

  5. That's just terrible! And kind of ironic, when you think about it. :/
    We sure hope your mom is OK now and didn't try to do too much too soon!
    Cam and Mags

  6. Grreat job, Nurse Hailey! Keeping them warm and cozy in bed is the most impawtant rule of recuperating.

  7. Oh dear, poor lady. (Everyone knows that woman flu is serious!)
    Lee, Gail and I are sure that you and Phod were a great comfort to her when she was laid up, and do tell her not to overdo things and jeopardise her recovery.
    Toodle pip!

  8. Whew..................Lady must have felt absolutely rotten..I hope Man stayed well and kept you all fed. Tell Lady not to push herself....too much.
    Hugs and I'm glad she feels better

  9. So happy Lady is on the road to recovery and headed in the right direction. The flu can be a bear to shake. Sounds like you all made the best of it.

    Love and licks,

  10. It seems there's not good place to travel anywhere lately. Sorry your Mom got the flu, but glad she's feeling better. My Jessy human came up from Florida to visit us a couple weeks ago. Whenever she travels, she always, always catches a bad cold! Perhaps the humans should just stay put until all this flu and other stuff goes away.

  11. We hope The Lady is doing much better now. Three of the grands, all siblings, had the flu - they fell ill one after another over the course of a week - took about 10 days before all were back to good health. AND that was with flu shots:(

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  12. Oh that's too bad! We're glad your lady is feeling better now.

  13. What a great nurse you are Hailey, she is lucky she had such a great snuggler and professional napper to keep her company!

    We're so glad to hear she is on the mend!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  14. Furry nurses are the best medicine when you're sick. Hope you feel better soon.


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