
Monday, September 30, 2019

Mischief Monday - I Thought She Had Something For Me - by Lee

The other morning, Lady entered the sitting area by the kitchen with something in her hand. I thought it was for me. 

She laughed, because I think everything is for me. So she decided it would be really funny to give it to me.

It turns out, it was her sweater. It can be chilly in the morning. 

While I was cooperative about it, I was not at all impressed. I must say, I was very happy when she went to work that day!

Friday, September 27, 2019

FFF Nature Friday - By Phod

Thanks to my pals Arty, Jakey and Rosy for hosting Nature Friday and to Aunty Yam for hosting FFF.

Today, I borrowed Lady's copy of Anna Karernina.
From page 87 I am taking:
line 8: could not refused
line 12: intoxicated
line 16: playing

Autumn has finally arrived. 

The warm days and cool night are starting to create changes.

It is like Mother Nature is playing with all the colours in her paint kit. 

I am intoxicated by the smells of animals and decay. 

But no matter what Mother Nature is doing, who could refuse spending time with me!

Must get back to playing with Precious!

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Throw Back Thursday - By Lee

Hailey Bug here to share a picture from when I was a puppy and very naughty. I would never do such a thing now!

Lady was cleaning out some old journals in her office and found this one.

It appears to have the Hailey stamp of approval! When I was younger, I really liked to chew books. I am over that now.

Lady said, we all would be a little happier if I kept my destruction to this level. She may actually be right for once.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Trouble on a Tuesday -Lee's Bird

Lee's Grammie gave her a stuffed bird that was not designed for pups. Lee loved it and for 6 weeks played gently with it. Then one day the bird had to die.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Mischief Monday - We Are Not Amused

Our human cousins left balloons they got at the grocery store. Man thought it would be funny to turn these into pup torture machines.

Phod was up first . . . .
Why are you doing this?

Lady save me! (sorry it is blurry but he was moving and it is funny!)

Lee was up next. She was silent rage.


This is ridiculous

What is this thing?

Call me all you want, I am just standing here

Have you had enough fun yet?

The dogs did not enjoy it, but the people sure had a good laugh!

Happy Autumn Equinox!

Friday, September 20, 2019

Nature Friday - Thanksgiving is Coming

While we have had a few encounters in the neighbourhood this summer, we have not really had the turkeys around. I was happy on Wednesday, when I came into the kitchen to get a tea refill, and there 4 were. 

Lee and Phod hope they fatten up soon because Canadian Thanksgiving is little less than a month away! 

Thanks to our dear pals Jakey, Arty and Rosy for hosting Nature Friday! Always so much fun!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Aho! We be a  joining our mateys and talkin' like pirates!

Happy talk like a pirate day landlubbers!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Trouble on Tuesday - More Mischief

As stated yesterday, we are decreasing Lee's prozac. We are doing this because she doesn't need it when storm/fireworks season is over. For her health, we would rather her not be on it.

In the wee hours of Saturday morning, a thunderstorm rolled in. While rain was in the forecast, thunder was not. Lee moved right to scratching the wall beside Lady's head. It was Man's turn to get up with her.

It took a long time for Lee to settle. She was determined to do some damage. She tried pawing at/destroying Man's computer. When that was not successful (he made her move), she finished off the bed that was in the fortress of solitude (aka the downstairs bathroom).

A used comforter has been put in its place, so she does have a safe place. 

In the event another storm rolls in we will either increase her dosage for the day and/or give her Xanax. It was much more challenging for her to settle down on the lower dose.

While the Man was pretty tired the next day, our princess had lots of naps.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Mischief Monday - The Dishwasher - A Dramatic Re-creation

Miss Hailey Bug's prozac has been cut back from 30 mg to 20 mg a day. This has her more herself. She is more alert, she is spending more time with us and she just seems more content. However, being more herself has some draw backs, which we will discuss over the next two days.

The first issue with her being more herself is she is far more interested in food. This means she is in the dishwasher helping more.

Friday night, as I was loading our dishwasher, Lee was licking the dishes in it.

Suddenly, Lee realized she was caught on the dishwasher and started pulling, pulling so hard she pulled the bottom rack out!

Lady quickly grabbed the bottom rack, which only had a few dishes, while yelling for Man to help. She held on to it, while Lee shook her head and pulled backwards. Man came running over, and unhooked Lee. The rack was returned.

Did Lee learn from this? Nope, she was immediately back in the dishwasher. Lady remembered the sit stay trick and there were no further dishwasher incidents. 

Lady realizes in hindsight, yelling was no the best way to handle this. Lady also realized how disappointed she was that none of this was caught on video or picture. A true blogger!

Tomorrow, we will share some more mischief!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Nature Friday - A Very Special Tree

A long time ago, my great-grandmother took an acorn from the cottage (which is now my parents home) and grew a seedling in her place in Toronto. She planted that seedling at the cottage and it grew into a mighty oak.

Sometime in the 1990s, the might oak was lost in a terrible storm. Sandy soil is not the best for strong roots. Fortunately, it fell in such a way that only a picnic table was damaged.  The wood from this great tree was used to make tables, so the oak has lived on in one way. 

While the original oak is gone, others have grown from it. When we moved to our house in the country, my parents brought me a sapling - maybe the great-grandtree of the original oak.

It hasn't looked like it was growing until this year, when it doubled in size. We hope our sapling is on the way to becoming a mighty oak. 

Thank you to our dear friends Rosy and the Boyz for hosting Nature Friday and letting us share the story of a little oak that means a lot to us. 

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Sometimes, when we have done a check to ensure there is no wildlife around, and Hailey is being particularly calm, she gets to be briefly off leash.

When she is, the command we work on is "house". We want to reinforce her going into the house, in the event she every gets away from us.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Wordless Wednesday - Throw the Darn Ball!

We take a moment today to remember. ❤️❤️❤️

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Trouble on a Tuesday - Poor Precious - by Phod

As mentioned yesterday, we had a house full on the weekend. It was tiring and exhausting, but I think poor Precious suffered the most.

First, the little boy, human cousin Troy was not very good at throwing Precious.

Even worse, a few times Emma got Precious. 

Of course, I was the gentleman and shared, but I was glad when they left and I had people to throw properly and I had Precious all to myself!

Monday, September 9, 2019

Mischief Monday - Invasion of Rugrats - by Lee

It was a crazy weekend at our house. For about 24 hours we had 2 human children here. Our human cousins, Maggie (aged 5) and Troy (aged 3). Having kids over is exhausting.

I use to be very, very afraid of kids would and I would bark for hours if one was in my house. But as I mellow or get use to them or the drugs work, I am far more tolerant. The kids will say I bark all the time, but I hardly barked at all. I barked like 3 times. Now the kids on the other hand, they were fearful of us. They have cats. They don't spend a lot of time with big dogs. They do not like barking. It makes them cry. Which may at times result in more barking.

Also, Uncle Chris and cousin Emma came over for most of the time, so it was a full house. Lady says she meant to get more pictures, but it was just too busy. She says kids keep you very busy, especially when you are not use to them.

Phod enjoyed watching them dance to the TV. Earlier in the day, I enjoyed sharing popcorn with them.

Because Uncle Chris was also over, the kids slept on a mattress in my room. There is no photographic evidence, but I did sleep in bed with them. Man noticed in the wee hours of the morning and woke up Lady to tell her. (She was thrilled about that . . . not!)

In the morning, the kids were afraid I was going to bark and thought my yawn was too loud. I only started to bark when they covered their years and whined. I thought they wanted to play. 

At any rate, I was an angel this weekend, and all the mischief was caused by the rug rats. I really want to love them more and I hope as they get a little older they will be less fearful of me.

The thrilled for once the mischief wasn't mine Hailey Bug

Friday, September 6, 2019

Nature Friday - The Tree Remains Green

While fall is feeling in the air, we still have a green tree. We will check back in a few weeks.

Thanks to Rosy and the Boys for hosting Nature Friday! 

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Helping Out -by Lee

I had to help my Lady with some very important chores on the weekend. 

A couple weeks ago, the Lady and Man finally found some chairs for our dining room table. They have a table that seats 10 and only 4 decent chairs. They have been looking for something they liked, that would go, that was affordable. They came across 5 of these in a vintage pop-up store. They are in excellent condition and well worth the $25 per chair they spent. The only issue according to them (as I have not been allowed to sit on them), is the seats have no padding and the colour is not their colour. 

New chair

Now Lady likes to make things more complicated than they need to be. She decided, she needed to find a fabric that matched the 4 nice chairs she had already. It would have been far easier to just reupholster the lot, but she likes the chairs she has. 

Current chair

She and I spent a lot of time on Saturday going through the fabric books she brought from the place that is going to do the chairs. Then we had to check them all again Sunday morning when the sun spills into our dining room. 

I don't think so - it is too dark

Maybe the one down here a little

In the end, she went with this one, called comfort. It wasn't in a book she brought home, but was similar to the colour of one she liked. Because she is looking for small ways to help the planet, she wanted a natural fibre and not a synthetic one, so she found a cotton fabric.

Final colour

The chairs will be recovered at the end of the month or early October. Lady says she doesn't mind the wait. She can live with the not her yellow knowing she has taken steps to get the work done. 

I am sure without my superior help, Lady would have picked an inferior colour!