
Thursday, June 6, 2019

This Interruption in Posting Is Brought to You by

The Lady never being home.

Hi pals. Thought we would do a quick post to say we are all fine. It has been a cold, wet spring and the bugs are terrible, but we are all good. The big problem has been Lady is just traveling way too much! She just got back from her 5th trip this year and is home for a week before going on her 6th trip.

Let's just recap the fun she has had this year.
Last week in January/first in February, she, the Man and Uncle Chris went to the Caribbean.
In March she was gone for a night for work.
In April she was gone for 2 nights for work.
The last week in April/into May, she and the Man went to see our blog pals in Utah.
She just got back from a weekend in Nova Scotia with our Grammie and Aunt C.
Next she is going away for work for a week.

She says she only has 2 more trips planned after next week (we are sure she will find a way to get more). One is to visit the Big Guy and Grammie in the summer and we may or may not be going with her. (We hope we are, but we will see how she is feeling about traveling with us). Then she and the Man have a trip to Europe in the fall.

Lady, who while does not like airports, overall does love to travel says this year has been a little intense.

All of that to say, our visiting and posting will be a little erratic for another week or so. Lady says when you are away so much and run your own business that sometimes when you are home, there is a lot to do. She is prioritizing spending time with us over writing about her time with us. She says she hopes to be back into routine around June 17th.

Hope you are all well.

A picture of Lady, Grammie and Aunt C. There are no new pictures of us, and we may have forgotten what she looks like! 


  1. we wish your lady a wonderful time and we wait for the most fantabulous photos :O)

  2. I think the next time your Lady actually comes home, you should just climb in her lap and refuse to let her go anywhere for a LONG time!

  3. Wow! That's a lot of travelling! Good thing for me that my peeps are home bodies.

  4. We are glad she is going that. After 20 years as a commercial pilot my Mom hates to leave home and avoids travel except to visit her Dad in Washington state. Dad is gone a LOT for his work though but she takes good care of us.

    Abby and Larelei

  5. Thanks for the update. It looks cold up in Nova Scotia.

  6. Phod and Lee...
    the female DNAs in your family are beautimous!!
    Tell Lady to pace herself
    Hugs HiC

  7. Hari OM
    OMD, Lady got to Peggy's Point Lighthouse; I's so jelly green!!! Never had time to see that when I was there... errrrrr. I mean. What?! You didn't get to go to that most gawjuss part of Canada??? That Lady needs a thether putting on... *cough*... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. Love the family photo!!! Enjoy your time, the blogs will still be here. Have fun.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. Peeps travelling does interfere with our lives, but SHE says travel when you can and you're young!

  10. What a trio of beautiful women...of course Mama likes the lighthouse too!

  11. We hope your Lady stays safe on her travels. We'll all be right here when she returns. Ear rubs for you pups while she's away. Lovely photo of those gorgeous women!

  12. Wells, she does seem to be livin' her best life! I say, you gots to give her some slack, cause soon she will be too old to move. what? oh. Ma says I should say such things (she says them abouts herself, so I just thought it applied....sorry.) In that case....You should demand lots of treaties and margaritas, and try and stow away in the suitcase the next time it opens..
    Tells the Lady safe travels, and don't eats at any sketchy street carts!
    Ruby ♥

  13. Travel is fun but it is always nice to come home too.

  14. I hope that your lady has a blast, and then stays home with you after that :)

  15. It sounds as if your lady is mostly traveling for work and that's not usually fun. Europe, on the other paw...Wowzers! That sounds amazing!

  16. Nice photo. I guess I have to say that Lady is allowed to prioritise spending time with you guys to writing about spending time with you guys, but really, I cannot approve of all that travelling (unless she is coming to see me again, of course, that would always be permissible).
    Anyway, hope you're finally enjoying some summer weather. Can't say we've seen much in Scotland so far...
    Toodle pip!

  17. Hectic. You all need to snuggle when she's home...

  18. Bugs aren't to bad yet in Idaho.
    Coffee is on


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