
Friday, May 31, 2019

Nature Friday

On the weekend, we had all been enjoying the new patio furniture and sitting outside. The dogs asked to go inside, so they did.

Shortly after a very cheeky Red John made his appearance.

This was very upsetting to Lee who was watching outside the back door. But not as upsetting as what happened next. The little squirrel ran right up to the patio door (I missed the exact moment) put his paws against it and then turned and ran away.

Hailey has to be on tie out on our deck because she can run off and if a squirrel is brave enough to come up while she is out, she will chase it and if she is lucky kill it! 


  1. it was an artist-squirrel... and wo it can even sit like bentley the Basset Hound ;O)

  2. Hari OM
    OMD, Lee, talk about taunt and tease!!! That Red John has no shame - I tell you - no shame whatsoever!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. He is either a very brave or a very crazy squirrel to venture onto your deck. He sure is a cutie though.

  4. What a cheeky squirrel! He was probably looking for a treat.

  5. we had two dogs, our first Max and Jake last year that did the same as Hailey, either one would chase and kill about anything. we have a burial ground of squirrels, racoon, posumms and a couple of ducks.. we tried to stop them but it would not happen. good news is Big doesn't pay any attention to them.

  6. That is one brave and very stoopid squirrel!

  7. Brazen tree rat with a serious 'dude....he is obviously new to the 'hood. If he was smart he would relocate
    Have a fun girlz weekend
    Hugs HiC

  8. Sounds like Red John was dared by his mates to go up to touch the door...what a cheeky fellow.

  9. What a nervy guy Red John is!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  10. We have yet to catch one of those tree rats, but we do try. They like to come on our deck too.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  11. HOLY SQUIRREL SNOT!!!! WTD??!!! You guys needs some back up???? just lets me know.
    the nerves
    Ruby ♥

  12. Shame on that squirrel going up to the door and teasing the dogs like that. Hugs and nose kisses

  13. Those guys really are pretty cheeky, aren't they?


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