
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Black and White Sunday - 5 months of Phod

It is hard to believe that this handsome dude has been a member of our pack for 5 whole months!
To celebrate we will do the top 5 things to love about Phod:

5. He makes the funniest little groaning sounds.
4. He can play fetch for hours and hours and hours. The record is 3 hours.
3. He is very gentle and careful with the cats.
2. He hasn't met a stuffy he can't deface.

And the number one thing to love about Phod:
1. He totally knows how to use his sad eyes to manipulate me into doing whatever it is he wants!

We are so lucky we have a Phod!


  1. Hey Phod doe-eyed sadness always works. Just flash them at Lady and watch her heart melt. Have a super Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Well then, we think he is doing a most fantastic job at manipulation (Wow Big word there, Bites get the Dictionary, new word). Yaep Bites does that moaning & groaning also, sur gets attention!!!

    Your Pals
    Susie & Bites

  3. I want to know WHO sat there playing fetch with him for THREE HOURS??!! lol

    1. It was a party and about 4 people kept taking turns. We had one friend do it for 1.5 hours. I generally get tired after about 30 minutes.

  4. Love Mr. Phod, a fetching gentleman indeed! Time flies when you're having fun. Cheers to five more months and far far beyond :)

  5. Three hours of fetch sounds like a lot of fun!!! Phod is beautiful and from the sounds of it an amazing part of your family!!
    Love Milo :)

  6. What a great post! We are all weak to those eyes.


  7. Ya for Phod and you too for adopting him. :)

  8. Wow, Phod sounds absolutely wonderful, and he looks very handsome in that photo!


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