
Monday, September 2, 2024

Mischief Monday - When Lady was Away and New Food - by Lee

 Dear pals,

Lady will tell you about her brief time away on Friday. While she was gone, Phod and I made sure to not make Man's life easy. We got up in the night, and needed to get up too early. We took ourselves for walks. Man also switched our food to a senior food and while we love it, it has turned me into a poop machine (Phod doesn't have the same problem). I have been having accidents and needing to go 6 times a day. My people are working on switching me to another food that may not have me make as much poop. Apparently they don't like cleaning up poop from the house 1-2 times per day and taking me out to poop every other minute. 

As soon as Lady got back, she took me out, and I ran away to show her my displeasure.

Don't worry, I didn't go far and I came back ready for a cookie.

So basically, it has just been a normal sort of week in our house.

You pal, who is celebrating her Gotcha Day tomorrow, Hailey Bug


  1. Hari OM
    Oh Hailey... I can hear my angel Jade sympawthighsing with you, coz she didn't get on well with the senior diet AT ALL! We ended up just sticking with the long-term adult stuff. Didn't help with the waterworks, though. That's she dedcided wearing doggy daipers was way better than embarassing herself! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  2. when Beau gets a pooper like that we give him rice and chicken broth for a while. also just found something that is helping him, plain low-fat yogurt, one tablespoon on each bowl of dog food

  3. Sorry to hear your new food is causing you trouble, Hailey. We're glad to hear Lady is home safe and sound and you gave her the proper cold shoulder greeting on her return. BOL!

  4. You don't sound happy and neither do your peeps, Hailey. I hope they find a better kibble to make everybody happy!

  5. Poor Man, we bet he is planning his next trip asap:). Both of us get prescription kibble. Misty gets one from Royal Canin - Ultamino, and Timber gets Hills Prescription z/d. It is pricey, but both have decent poops even if Misty is always filled with blood - at least it's not diarrhea any more. Good luck with the new food.. And please stop running away - that makes us nervous.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  6. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! What's wrong with poop? Although, if your tummy feels yucky, that's not the right food. Happy Gotcha Day tomorrow!

  7. I think now that your mom is back everything will return to normal

  8. Hope you have a great Gotcha day Hailey!
    And we hope Lady finds you some less poopy food...

  9. Be careful here in the US there are so many dog food killing dogs right now and no one is doing anything about them. is a website I trust and use her lists.


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