
Thursday, August 8, 2024

Funny Habit

 Hailey has a funny habit. As we are in the process of changing foods, we have mixed the old and the new ones together. 

She likes to take pieces she doesn't like out of the bowl (ideally Phod's side if he doesn't finish it)

then proceed to try and bury this "bad food" on the floor.

Note: She eats most of both foods, it is just some pieces of the old food are not acceptable to the princess. However, sometimes after burying the offensive piece, she will eat it. 


  1. she needs da nelly... he is da crimescene cleaner... there is nothing what he wouldnt eat LOL

  2. Hari OM
    Angel Jade would so delicately remove all carrots I tried to hide in her foodables... no matter how small I cut them. If I grated them, she refused the whole meal. Sigh... I did give up, in the end! YAM xx

  3. This is hilarious I'm still laughing. Baby was that way she picked things out that she didn't like but the rest of the dogs all ate whatever we put in the bowl. Cooper was the one that buried anything he wanted to save from the bone that was the community dog bone he would take it outside when we weren't looking and bury it and any of the toys that he loved he buried in the backyard he had been dead for about 5 years when we found one of the toys that disappeared by accident and he had buried it up front

  4. Hailey, we'd say you're a very smart lady. Sort of like those little kids who take the peas-off-their-plates, put their hands under the table and feed 'em to their dogs when the parents aren't looking! Don't like it, always a way to "dispose" of it ...

  5. Lee you are such a funny girl...we like what we like right?
    Hugs cecilia

  6. There's nothing wrong with being a bit picky, Hailey.

  7. You are a funny girl, Hailey!

  8. Sunny does the same.exact.thing!
    Silly girls!

  9. I am the same way with my food. It come with hideous little black balls.

  10. Surely it's the good stuff you should be burying to keep safe for later Hailey?

  11. Ann did a wonderful post about you Hailey and together with brother Phod, you are very lucky fur babies.
    Mariette + Kitties

  12. Tee hee...the girl likes what she likes.
    P.S. For some reason Blogger stopped notifying me of your posts even though it seems as though I follow your blog. So sorry. Wish I could figure out how to re-subscribe to read all of your adventures. Grr...sometimes technology is very troublesome.


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