
Thursday, August 22, 2024

Dear Vet

Dear Vet,

Lady says you are a nice person but I don't think I agree. You said my ears were filthy. They were so dirty, you had to test them to make sure they weren't infected. You told my people to clean my ears daily.

I have not made this chore easy.I have screamed, I have fought, I pulled. They kept doing it (but only every other day because I was bad enough I made it terrible for them). 

One of my ears is clean and the other is getting better. I have gotten slightly less resistant to this. 

I am not happy with this recommendation. 

I do not think we will be friends.

Not your pal, Hailey


  1. Hari OM
    I sure hope the V.E.T. (Very Evil Tech) pays attention to your letter of complaint, Hailey dear! Imagine making such a suggestion... I mean, why on earth would Lady and Man want to put themselves - and you - through that torture??? Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx (Lady and Man - don't tell Hailey, but I admire your Love and Caring that you are prepared to go through this!)

  2. We have used the tissue on finger method for years. Dear Lord, we never ever got them totally clean. Eventually the dog didn't mind too much . We hope we didn't get any brains while we cleaned what seemed down to them. :)

  3. One of my collies has chronic dirty ears…but it’s not her fault. Her sister, Sophie, thinks it’s her job to lick Maizie’s ears. So Maizie also needs ear cleanings, and is as enthusiastic as you! She shares your pain! BOL

  4. Millie doesn't like her ears cleaned either, but Walter has never had a problem with his so he hasn't had to endure such torture.

  5. I feel for you, Hailey. Cocker Spaniels are known to have ear issues and so far, I've dodged the bullet and I sure hope my good luck continues forever.

  6. BOL LBOL Lee I 100% agree 'unfriend' that vet from all you social accounts. Dang how would your vets like someone poking around in their ears?
    Hugs Cecilia
    PS MAN you are brave and devoted

  7. Gail says she thinks the vet is only acting in your best interests Hailey, but I'm not sure I agree...

  8. Fair is fair....allow the cleaning, unfriend the Vet!
    Rosy & Sunny

  9. That sounds like a decent compromise. No one says you have to like the vet, just follow his advice. We hope your ears are better soon.

    Woos - Misty and Timber


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