
Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Trouble on a Tuesday - Old Lady Life by Lee

 Dear pals,

it was a mixed bag week for this old gal. My Lady is in charge of me 6/7 nights (the Man does Saturday night) and I was up some of them. There was a storm Friday night, so that, then my upset tummy at 3:45, Lady was up a lot. We let her sleep until 10:30 am on Saturday. Lady is not at all frustrated that on Man's one night I only had to go out at 5:30 and not for a 3 am walk.  (Note, Man will not take me for a middle of the night walk, only Lady will).

This week saw this old gal, have a very upset stomach, wander into the bush and get stuck as I couldn't find a way out, up a lot in the night, one night I only told Lady I had to go after I had pooped all over the floor, having more trouble with my back end, and being very picky about the food I ate. Apparently taking out random pieces and leaving them on the floor is not loved by my people. 

Food all over the floor

Lady says I got really old really fast, but since I always lived faced, it makes sense. 

So that is where we are. Lady is exhausted with me and some crazy work stuff, but we are hanging in dear friends. To make it a bit easier for Lady, sometimes I let her have a little snuggle with me. Overall, I am happy enough. I am living my life on my terms.

We will see how this week goes.

your pal, Hailey Bug


  1. Oh dear Hailey. As we well know, old age is tough. But at least you can still enjoy snuggles with Lady.
    Sending hugs to both you and her.

  2. Getting older is not easy as you know, Hailey. I love leaving kibble bits on the floor but I do go back and eat them up!

  3. We have our paws crossed for you and your parents, Hailey. It's no fun getting older, but we hope you have more good days than bad.

  4. Have you tried giving slippery elm for an upset stomach? My dogs get two capsules in a little milk and this helps their stomachs a lot. They barely eat grass anymore.

  5. Lee darling...I'm so sorry for the tummy issues...and becoming a senior lady is such a challenge..
    Especially with wee hour potty needs
    Love Cecilia

  6. Hang in there Hailey and keeping living life on your terms!
    Rosy & Sunny

  7. Hari OM
    Ain't for sissies, I heard... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. Lee, Timber isn't old but he sympathizes with you. He had an upset tummy the past few days too and Mom had to deal with his messes too. We hope you will be doing better soon.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  9. Oh Hailey! Getting old is no fun.

  10. Hailey, I hope this was just a blip and you will be back to yourself soon.

  11. Hi Cousin, I understand Old Lady Life. I'm getting some of my youthful vigour back with Bad Leg becoming Good Leg, but I still have Old Lady Things, including what the Vet says is a bit of Doggy Dementia. You are very lucky to have such a wonderful Lady to care for you and support you and love you as you're going through Getting Old. We are sending you many licks and wags. <3


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