
Tuesday, July 2, 2024

People Are Weird - by Lee

 Deal Pals,

On Sunday, for an early celebration of Canada Day and friendship, Lady and Man invited 6 friends up. After dinner, things got weird.

I was sitting, letting a stranger pet me (I was very good), and suddenly 2 dinosaurs appeared.

I did not like these dinosaurs and may have barked and barked and barked until the Man had to quickly get me outside because I had to poop.

Phod heard the racket and came out of the closet, walked by, and went to a stranger to get pets too. He was not really bothered by dinosaurs. 

Would you react more like a Lee or a Phod if there were suddenly 2 dinosaurs in your house?

you pal Hailey Bug who thinks people are very weird


  1. oh my what a day... suddenly you live in jurassic park, what a horror... da nelly would probably bite the dino , what would end with a bang and da phenny would do something whats stinks and what is uuuh....

  2. Lee Darlin' I think I would have been on high Alert like you ....Phod...sweet boy you just go with the flow...bless your heart
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. I think Beau would react like Phod and I would react like you Lee...

  4. We definitely would have been barking at those monsters and we couldn't rule out possibly nipping on in the butt (or tail) either. BOL!

  5. We have never had dinosaurs in our living room before so we agree with you, Hailey. Peeps are weird!

  6. Hari OM
    Oh, I'd've barked 'em fur sure. Then maybe snuck up to see if they were capable of giving ear scritchies. Dino claw scritchies might actually be quite nice... hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Hi Hailey, We have a resident dinosaur (our human brother Alex) so we are no longer freaked out! The worst part of it was the fan noise! I, Marvelous have been known to attack the tail! I can't wait to see how our new sisfur - Nut Case err Nutmeg will react when she sees it! I hope she is scared! Keep being awesome! Marvelous Marv, Kozmo, Jo Jo, Cinnamon and Nutmeg

  8. We think both of us would have barked and barked like Hailey....humans are REALLY weird!
    Rosy & Sunny

  9. We think we both might have kept our distance and done the biggest stretch possible to get a sniff of those bizarre creatures. Why the heck did your peeps let them inside?

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  10. I would definitely show those dinosaurs who is boss. Just 'cos something's bigger than me, it doesn't mean they own the place.


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