
Monday, July 22, 2024

Mischief Monday - Grass Balls - by Lee

 Dear pals,

You know what the best part about the people mowing the lawn is? The riding mower leaves these little hard balls of grass that are super yummy.

This action really annoys the Lady and you spends most of our outside time trying to stop us, because these bits of grass upset our stomach.

Next time she goes to eat something too spicy or too much dairy, maybe I will do the same.

Your, pal, Hailey Bug who is part cow


  1. we hear ya... and we have a ball with grass balls too... sometimes they are even boomerang balls and come back at night... uiiiiii

  2. BOL BOL Hailey part would be such fun to have an extra tummy
    I agree with Lady though grass is messy and makes me itch.
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. You shouldn't eat those things if it upsets your tummy, Hailey but we do admit we like to eat grass too.

  4. I like grass balls too and my mom doesn't like it when I eat them either, Hailey.

  5. Did you ever try slippery elm? 2 capsules in a little bit of milk does the trick for my dogs.

  6. beau eats grass when he gets upset stomach... I am thinking he would eat those if he could get to them.... he has a few weeks until hi annual and we will check to see why he is eating so much grass and his own poop

  7. Hailey - we are part cow too. But Mom worries when she sees us eating grass because she knows we are trying to settle upset tummies:(. Lightning always loved the really long blades.

    Woos - Misty and Timber


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