
Friday, June 21, 2024

Nature Friday - Snap!

 A few kilometres from our house, near the highway is a bit of a swampy area before the swamp joins the lake. Recently, a female snapping turtle was seen on the shoulder making holes for her eggs. She dug and buried eggs in at least 5 places.

Man saw them doing some road grading after. We wish the baby turtles all the best. In 60-90 days we will be on the look out for babies.

A lot happens on the side of the road out here. The wild roses are coming into bloom too. 

Thanks to Rosy and Sunny for hosting this event so we can share our nature with you. 


  1. that sounds like the perfect girlfriend for our hell-mutt ....can you ask her please if she would like to live in france?

  2. Hari Om
    Oooooh, I await further repeating! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Wowsers, that is one bog turtle! We sure hope yu get to see the babies!
    Rosy & Sunny

  4. Love the wild roses! We are not fans of the snapping turtles. They're mean and aggressive.

  5. We have our paws crossed that you will see some of those baby snappers after they hatch. What a pretty flower you found.

  6. My mom mention she ate snapping turtle as youngster.

  7. Ooh how interesting. We too have lots of wild roses by the roadside at this time of year (the scent is beautiful). But never a turtle. Paws and fingers crossed here that they and the babies fare well.


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