
Monday, June 3, 2024

Mischief Monday - What Do You Mean You Don't Want Wet Dogs On The Furniture


Dear pals,

It is really, really funny to jump up on the furniture, which you may never do anymore because you are old, when you are really wet from swimming in the take.

It is especially funny to go to Lady's preferred seat.

you pal, the very funny Phod


  1. maybe just because it is m oanday and not wetnesday?

  2. oh my! this is something new for you to do, or I think it is...

  3. You do look pleased with yourself, Phod. We bet it was fun swimming in the lake to cool down.

  4. PHOD I might be giggling....OMDs the things you can get by with when you smile a great big beautiful smile and those eyes.

  5. We hope you didn't get your mom's seat too wet, Phod!

  6. That is pretty funny...good boy Phoddy!
    Rosy & Sunny

  7. We think you are lucky to get to be on the furniture, wet or dry!!! That never happens here.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  8. How is a wet dog supposed to dry off if they are not allowed on the furniture?

  9. Hari Om
    Sure it is... but I'm not laughing because Blogger is mucking around with my reader and posts are not appearing in timely fashion... so I'm late. 😔 But at least I got to see you being a comic... I might have missed it altogether! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx


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