
Friday, May 24, 2024

Nature Friday - The Apple Tree

Thanks to Rosy and Sunny for hosting this event.

As we have been watching all the other trees bloom, we were really worried about the apple tree at the end of the drive way in MJ's field. It has been hit hard by some of the storms recently. However, finally, just last week, the blooms have arrived.

There are two things Lady wishes she could share via the internet. The first is the sound of all the bees happily buzzing around. The second is the fragrance. She could just stand there and smell the blossoms for hours. Enjoy!

An evening view from our driveway

See the bee?

Here is another one

Can we get on with our walk please?

Looking back at it in the evening


  1. they are Gorgeous! I would like to smell them, I have never smelled apple blossoms but orange blossoms here are really nice smells

  2. Your apple tree in bloom is just gorgeous! We had very few blossoms and it happened to be a windy week. I hope this isn't going to be another year without apples. The deer are not going to be happy about this!

  3. Please thank your Lady for the wonderful image she gave to my mind's eye and I declare I might have even gotten a very faint whiff of the apple blossoms
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. What a beautiful tree with all those blossoms. Just think of all the apples it will have later.


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