
Monday, April 22, 2024

Mischief Monday - My Favourite Toilet - by Lee

 Dear pals.

As you know we live on 3 acres, surrounded by bush and field. There are many places to walk and do my business.

Do you know where my favourite place to go is? 

Plotting my escape

Callie's lawn! As often as possible, I try and sneak over and do my business there. Somedays I will refuse until my people take me on a walk by her house. Yes, I have decided Callie's yard is my toilet. 

Phod waiting on the path between houses to see if he can come over too

Lady says it isn't neighbourly to do such things. I say, they don't care (Callie's people have said so much). I guess we should be lucky to have such friendly neighbours. 

Your pal Hailey Bug


  1. here Mama is the poop patrol, and since Beau refuses to poop on leash and the only time he poops off leash is in our fenced yard, its an easy job. I follow him every step to pick it up before he eats it... getting lots of exercise steps as poop patrol

  2. Hari OM
    That wouldn't be you wanting to stake a bit of territory, would it, Lee... no of course not! It just smells better of there and you need to exchange messages. That's it... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Hailey it sounds as if Callie is very happy to share her acreage.. I'm sure Lady and/or Man make sure to pick up after you too so there is no problem
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. I"m sure that Callie doesn't mind as long as your peeps clean up after you, Hailey.

  5. TeeHeeHee....are you making a statement about Callie, Hailey???
    Rosy & Sunny

  6. You sure are sneaky, Hailey and you are lucky to have such good friends as neighbors.

  7. BOL - that is too funny. Misty has one spot on our walks that is her spot of choice, and Mom is happy that it is on public property and not in front of someone's house:). But she still picks it up.

    Woos - Misty and Timber


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