
Thursday, January 25, 2024

While the Man is Away - Update - by Lee

 Hi pals,

Lady says we have done a good job getting into a routine (which is not that different from when Man is home).  She has made sure our needs are met. She is being a little mean and not letting us eat all the frozen turkey poop that litters the yard. Everyday we have about a dozen of them come for a visit. 

Nothing very exciting has happened. Lady says this is a good thing. At the time of this writing it had been 4.5 days (so when you read this it will be like 5.5 days) that Lady has not spoken to a person in the flesh. She has only spoken virtually. It may be a good thing she is out for a few hours tonight. We are worried she will go squirrelly. 

Speaking of squirrelly, we thought she had gone that way because she had the cooler outside yesterday. 

Umm, it is winter, why is this here?

Then she reminded us it was for her farm vegetable delivery. Lady found a local farm that grows greens in a greenhouse over the winter and every Wednesday for 8 weeks, they bring them to our house. Because she might be in a meeting when it arrives, to protect it from animals and frost, the delivery person puts in in the cooler. Is it sad this is the most excitement we have had for days here?

No time for posing, we have things to sniff!

So we are all good. Man reports having a good time but there have been some rough seas and his itinerary has changed. 

Living a dull life, Hailey Bug


  1. that is great to have connection to such a fab farm... to have good food in all seasons is impawtant

  2. your life is a lot more exciting than mine, and at least when man comes home it will get less boring, mine will continue for the rest of my life which is not very long.. great idea to put the greens in the box.

  3. Yummy Phod and Lee and Lady fresh farm veggies in the winter.
    That is a lot of snow. I hope Man and Chris are staying well on this cruise.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Tell lady I love her hat. Excitement is over-rated Lee , slow and steady wins the know the human race. Love you all. Make sure lady knows neither of you will still her promise. :)

  5. I think if your dad got home and all the turkey poop was eaten he would be sad.

  6. Sometimes a dull life is a good thing, Hailey. We're glad to hear you all are doing well despite the Man's absence.

  7. Life is pretty dull here too, Hailey. But as long as there is food in our bowls and lots of tummy rubs, we are good with dull.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and timber


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