
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Trouble on Tuesday - By Zaphod

 Dear pals,

Hailey shared the troubles on Saturday, but let me tell you, Friday was not a great day either.

First, both my people left for the day. Then the power went out (which was unexpected because it was sunny before the snow came in that evening). I was home alone with no power. I was sure we were going to die.

Lady got home around 1:30. She took us out and then she said I had to go to the vet.

Lee got a second greenie and I resisted getting into the car. Lady and I had a bit of a physical encounter as she tried to lift the 80 lbs of me up as I clung to the ground. She laughed and laughed. Eventually I got in the car. Don't worry, I showed my displeasure by vomiting a lot in the car, and making sure it missed all the covers she had for easy clean up. 

We arrived at the clinic and after checking so much peemail, I went inside and waited for 87 million years. I was terrified. I wasn't even interested in the 2 other dogs I saw. 

Finally, it was my turn and I got my Librela shot. The tech started by saying "I don't know how to say his name." Lady said it and explained the origins. I was very good for my shot. Lady booked my next appointment, because these shots are being a game changer for me, paid and we left.

When we got home, the power was back. Lee gave me a good sniff, I had a good roll and then I had a huge nap. 

Next month Man is taking me. We will see how that goes.

PS: The fix to the Man's car was $10. 

your pal Zaphod, who doesn't know if I should trust people who can't say my name and says getting old is not for the faint of heart


  1. we agree with you phod... and we say dont trust such peeps... we are happy the mans car is fixed for small moneeh... yay!!!

  2. wow on the ten dollar repair.. unheard of here. i am happy to hear the shots are helping with your arthritis. so far gabapentin and occasional meloxacam is helping Beau. good to know about this shot. I never really thought about how to say your name, i just say PHOD... got the giggles about the giggles getting you in the car. Beau ways 2 pounds more than you and if he refused to get in, i would be unable to wrestle him in

  3. Hari Om
    Oh Phoddy, you sure had a day of mixed blessing! On balance, though, I read it as shaking out on the side of pawsotiff!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. That tech needs a better education.

  5. It's too bad the Lady or Man couldn't give you those shots so you didn't have to go to the vet every month. We're happy for you that they are making you feel better though.

  6. No power is no fun and we are so happy that the librela shot is working for you, Phod. It's working for me too and I'm supposed to get my third on this coming Friday but it's supposed to snow so mom may reschedule it. Thank goodness the fix for the Man's car was affordable!

  7. Zaphod I good friend I hear you loud and clear. I have been called lots of things that are not my name....I worked with a man who called me Petunia because he said it was easier to remember. Heck he was older than dirt and Petunias smell good so all was ok.
    The tech lady was giving you some most helpful med so I say trust her. Like Millie and Walter said could Lady give you the shot. I gave Madi a shot once a month. Started with an 'A' to help with mobility I think. I know there are some meds that are not legal for anyone except a vet or vet tech to administer.
    I might have giggled at the mental picture you painted of Lady lifting you into the car.
    Like putting a toddler in a stroller all of a sudden they have 8 legs like an octopus
    10 bucks for car repair is almost like being free.
    Hugs Cecilia aka Petunia, Cynthia, Celeste, Celia, Cecily ya da ya da ya da

  8. What an exhausting day. Mom hates not having power.. Vomiting is the best way to shove anger.

  9. Phod, Lightning so agrees with you, this getting old stuff is nutso!!!He will get his fourth Librela shot in a week. We think they help his pain level, but his back legs are so weak that he struggles to walk. He has had his worse back leg (both are bad) hiked up for a bit every day now for a few days. We think he is having a hard time walking in the snow and ice:(

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


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