
Monday, December 11, 2023

Happy Hanukkah! (The Hat Tax Begins)

 Dear pals,

On Saturday we had Callie's people over for our 21st Hanukkah dinner. As you know, we are not Jewish (we are not anything actually)  and host this dinner because Lady loves latkes (potato pancakes). Man will make her a lot if there is company. 

The Hanukkah Hat Tax

The mischief started earlier in the week when Lady had to get the brisket because Man was sick. She did call Man to confirm that he really wanted  this brisket . . . 

That brisket was 9.8 kg, cost $117 Canadian dollars, and Man make it into 4 briskets. Lady may not ever be allowed to get the meat again. 

Saturday was spent cooking and cleaning.

Latkes are a lot of work. You peel the potatoes, you grate the potatoes, you squeeze the water out of the potatoes, you add onions, zucchini and spices and Man uses a hamburger patty maker to make the perfect shape to deep fry.  It took about 1.5 hours to make 19 perfect latkes.

The guests came and we were very good puppies. Phod loved getting all the pets from what he sees as his extended pack. Hailey, barked briefly when they came in and then sort of ignored all the people. 

Those are green beans with yellow peppers and pine nuts

Latkes and brisket

While we didn't cause mischief at the party, the kids may have. Somehow, while playing pinball, there was an elbow to the face and our good friend Dylan lost a baby tooth. Man later said, is it really a party if someone didn't get hurt?

It was a lovely evening and we look forward to doing it again next year!


  1. happy hanukkah to you all... and may the light be with you and with all of us...oooh that is the best menu we ever saw!!! any leftovers?

  2. Hari OM
    I am glad Lady and Man felt up to hosting the Hanukkah meal after all the lurginess... yummeroonies! Well done for not mischiefing, you two. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. I am so happy the two of you made it through without mischief and the mischief came from little humans not you. i wonder if pancakes can be put in the mail. I have never had them or brisket but would love to try it, but not enough to try cooking it myself... Happy Hanukkah, let the hat taxes beging. oh wait, they just did.

  4. That looked like half a cow the Lady brought home. BOL! Your dinner sure looked delish. We hope you two got some of that brisket too.

  5. WOW I'm in awe of Lady's purchase and Man's cooking. WOW and the table looks so pretty and inviting. Wishing I was there.
    Hugs cecilia

  6. Wowsers, that is one big brisket...but that means more leftovers, right??
    Rosy & Sunny

  7. Wow -that is one huge brisket and everything looks so yummy! We hope you both got a taste too, Hailey and Phod!

  8. Wow! That looked like quite the feast!

  9. Wow that is a lot of brisket.
    Lee and Phod, I'm just wondering if any of it came your way....?


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