
Thursday, October 26, 2023

Spooky Times

As we mentioned Monday, last weekend was a big one. It was the second annual haunted walk in the forest behind our house. Last year Lady missed it as she already had tickets to the ballet when it was planned. This year, she was around and spent as much extra time as she could helping prepare for it. She and Man did things like fill body bags and make dummies. On Saturday, while Man was at pickleball (Lady is nursing an injury so is taking a little time off), Lady helped Callie's people in the bush doing some of the last minute things. 

We got to go for a walk through it Saturday during the day, and for some reason, Lady stopped taking pictures about halfway through. Then she took 0 pictures in the evening. We had Aunt C and Maggie and Troy here. They stayed over night. We all had pancakes together and Hailey only barked a little.

Now back to some of the spooky woods.

Fancy entrance on Callie's lawn

Graveyard behind our house

Bodybags - there was a butcher set up near here

Another cemetery - how many bodies are back here?

While some more had fallen, Callie's Man had been out leaf blowing the path

It says danger, should we even go in?

Man why are you leaving our pumpkin out here?

Phod was a bit scared of one of the decorations

He really didn't like this one

The night of, there were between 20-30 kids and some adults who went through. Lady, covered in a camouflage netting she purchased at Amazon (as the idea of gluing leaves to sheets was not her dream), laid down in a gully for an hour, sitting up and yelling as people passed. The Man, had turned the sugar shake into a room with a mirror and he told the story of Bloody Mary. The kids would then go stand in front of the mirror and say Bloody Mary 3 times before she would appear in the mirror.  Fun was had by all, although some of us may have eaten a little too much candy. 

Now we are sure the hat tax is around the corner and Lady has been working extra hard on our very special costume for this year. 


  1. that is so great... and we love the ideas... the body bags!!! and the graveyard!!!!

  2. Hari OM
    BBwwwwhahahahahahahahah... brilliant... bonkers - but brilliant! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. this is wild, and you live next door. if i laid in a ditch i would not be able to scare anyone, you would have to call for help to get me up... Phod does look a little nervous over that tall skinny spook. what a neat way to make body bags, even cheap to the bone me could do that

  4. That is very spooky.
    I look forward to your hats
    Hugs cecilia

  5. What a fun thing your neighbors do for the season. It's a good thing you went during the day so it wasn't quite as scary.

  6. This looks fabulous - so spooky and creepy and we love the entrance on Callie's lawn!

  7. Oh my goodness. Gail would have been terrified. Me not so much.

  8. Hi Cousin and Handsome, Ojo here! I would like to walk through your spooky woods! But please do not scare ME, I don't like that! It sounds like your people had very much fun! My person is looking forward to seeing the results of your hat tax this year!

  9. Wowsers, sounds like the night was fun and, bonus pancakes the next da make it a win-win!

  10. How fun! I wish there was something like this in our area! There are many haunted happenings, but nothing pet friendly.

  11. A tip of the tail to the decorators. I thought the pictures were scary. I am sure the effect is stronger in person.


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