
Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Travel Tuesday - North To Alaska - Day 5 - The Hubbard Glacier

Welcome to this weeks instalment of my trip to Alaska with my mom.

Our first full day on the ship was a sea day. Most sea days are simple traveling between point one and point two, but this one was special because it had a stop at the Hubbard Glacier.

The Captain had warned us that on the passage up a few days before, the conditions were poor, and due to visibility issues and the presences of ice, it hadn't been safe to get close.  (In 2022 a different Norwegian ship had collided with ice in the fog and was not seriously damaged, but we all know that ships and ice have a dangerous history). He would do his best. His warning was unfounded because we had a beautiful day where we were able to get the closest they had ever gotten to the glacier at about .5 miles/.8 km. 

Hubbard is a huge glacier that is about 122 km/71 miles long and is one of the few in the world that keeps advancing.  The ice we are seeing at the edge is about 400 years old. While we didn't see it calf, we heard the glacier cracking and living. It sounds very much like thunder.  We were on deck for almost 4 hours enjoying the cruise into and around the glacier. 

Entering the passage to the glacier. I thought it was interesting how the blues and whites all blend.

Little icebergs doted the water

Where the glacier water meets the ocean

Approaching - mom said it looked just like it had in her dreams

Another glacier whose name I have forgotten that was beside the Hubbard. It may be the Valarie Glacier.





I hope you enjoyed seeing this glacier. Pictures really don't do it justice. 

Come back next week for our first port day!


  1. wow that is amazing... a kingdom of ice....

  2. K10 bless your heart you made Mom's dreams come true taking her on this trip.
    Hubbard is gorgeous the photos are amazing
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. Wow - your photos are absolutely STUNNING! I had no idea that a cracking glacier sounds like thunder. What an amazing trip!

  4. Hari OM
    My word - one of the great and impressive features of Nature! I am so glad that you and mum got to witness this together - and that you had enough brilliant images to bring us along with! YAM xx

  5. What beautiful scenery. You were so lucky the weather cooperated with a close up view.

  6. Wow! I'm also glad you got to get so close and that you and your Mom was able to admire it!

  7. What a fascinating trip. I would love to do it someday


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