
Monday, April 17, 2023

Mischief Monday - A Scary Week - by Phod

 Dear pals,

Last week was a pretty terrible one. Lady says to apologize for not being around at all, she has been barely hanging on some days.

Hiding in the corner of the kitchen may help

Here are the highlights - after 104 hours without power, Lady's car (which has been acting funning and no one could figure out), got sick enough to need a transmission (this is causing drama and while the peeps figure out what they are doing with it all, are living with one car), and then the scariest thing happened.

Tuesday morning, just before 1 am, the deck fell from the sky. Lady and Man are waiting for insurance to come and assess. I was scared when the deck fell, but when I looked out the window in the morning, I literally jumped backwards in fright.

Lady, maybe if I am glued right to you things will be ok!

The week was topped off with Lady leaving for work Wednesday morning and coming home Friday night. She needed to travel for work. 

At any rate, we are here. We are safe. We are working to sort out the car and the deck. The sunshine is helping, come back tomorrow to see how the sun is helping with the true coming of spring!


  1. oh no! this winter is evil till the end.. but we hope he haas to go now and miss spring will give him a kick!

  2. Hari OM
    OMD, Phoddy, I think you are pawfeckly entitled to be scard by all that happening in one week!!! To be honest, I am having one of those 'everything happens at once' sort of months, and am developing nervous tummy and shaky nerves - so you have my full simpawthee!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. OH MY WORD!!!! so sorry about that transmission, and so glad none of you human or canine were on that deck when it fell. that scares me silly just looking at it on the ground. POTP coming your way x four for each of you. Hugs and love coming your way

  4. That sure sounds like a week from hell for all of you. We can see why you would be glued to your Lady's side, Phod. Our paws are crossed that everything gets worked out soon.

  5. WoW - Whatta week!!! I hope it all gets sorted out easily and cheaply -- And I'm glad that all of you are safe, STAY THAT WAY - Please!!! 🥰

  6. Wow - this is not good on either count! I would be scared if I heard a deck fall too, Phod!

  7. Some weeks, it's a good plan to lie low in a quiet corner of the kitchen.Phod, it seems that this was one of those weeks.
    Gail and I are most relieved that no-one was hurt when the deck collapsed, and hope that the insurance company plays ball.

  8. Wow...sounds like you had a whole week of Thursdays!!! Hang in there...we hope every thing gets settled and back to normal soon!
    Sunny & Rosy

  9. OMD! We're sure glad nobody got hurt by that deck falling down! We hope things start going better for you and your family real soon, Phod.

  10. I hope this terrible, unlucky winter is done with you and with spring you have a rebirth


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