
Thursday, April 13, 2023

Easter Celebrations!

As we mentioned on Monday - in spite of the headaches caused by the storm, we celebrated Easter on Good Friday, by going to Grammie and the Big Guy's for a family lunch. The advantage to not having power, was Lady and Man didn't want to leave us if they didn't have to, so we got to go!

We are here!

Uncle Christ brought us each one of these

Thanks Uncle Chris

As you can see being there was super exhausting.

Look what the Easter Bunny brought us. Lady dropped one. She would also like to thank everyone who thought she made Phod's birthday treats last week. She is not that talented, however she is a master at tapping her credit card!

On one of the trips to get water, Callie came with her kids. She was forced to pay the hat tax. 

She hated it, but Lady said we were making our own fun these days, and since no animals were hurt (other than perhaps her pride). 

In spite of it all, Easter was ok! 


  1. ooh your callie had hat tax day too LOL

  2. Cali looks like she likes that hat about the same as the two of you like it.. the treats look yummy and glad you could go to Grammy's and have power on Easter. Hope it is back on by now

  3. You got some tasty Easter treats. We bet Callie will think twice about coming to your house for fear of another hat tax to be levied on her head. BOL!

  4. Looks like you guys were super well-behaved during the visit to Grammie and the Big Guy.
    But we are not sure if Callie will rushing round to your place next Easter...
    PS When Gail met her cycling group earlier today her friend Anne said her weather geek husband had been asking about the snow situation in your back yard, and was concerned because he was aware that warmer weather was imminent. When Gail enlisted him to help with her 'when will the snow be gone?' guess, she had no idea that he would be taking it so seriously!!

  5. Uncle C is a keeper. Looks like everyone had a fine time even Callie had to pay hat tax.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. BOL...Poor Callie, looks like she didn't like paying the hat tax BOL

  7. Hari OM
    I think it is fab that you all got to be together - even if ears were the tax. hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. The Easter cookies are so pretty and I bet they are also sooooooo yummy! Poor Callie.

  9. What a fun Easter celebration! Those cookies look yummy!

  10. They celebrated the joy of Easter the ways the Whos celebrated Christmas after the Grinch stole it


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