
Monday, November 21, 2022

Mischief Monday - The Covid

After 981 days of avoiding it, Man brought the Covid home. Lady says it is not the best souvenir but sailers use to bring home worse things! 

While Lady is not testing positive she is feeling a bit off (perhaps her body is just fighting it).

We all spent most of Sunday resting.We will have a modified blog schedule this week because Lady was  too lazy resting and isn't prepared. 

The only good thing about the timing of this is our dental work was to happen Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Lady cancelled it this morning, in case she gets really sick and also she thought a sick Man and two recovering pups may just be too much for her, even if she dodges the Covid.


  1. Oh dear. We do hope Man is feeling better soon, and Lady succeeds in fending off the horrid virus.

  2. Oh no I'm so sorry.......your Man is sick. Lady take care of yourself too.
    I hope maybe Man will hang up his sailor's cap for a while.
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. We're sorry to hear your Man brought the worse souvenir possible home, but we aren't surprised by the outcome. We hope your Lady can fight it off.

  4. Hari OM
    Yuck... Mac1 is only just now starting to get out and about after a fortnight, and she is still finding she needs one day one day off... take care over there!!! Z&H... be sure to attend to the support and care stuff, 'kay? Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Not a nice souvenir at all! We sure hope Man feels better soon, and your Lady avoids it....

  6. Oh no. We send the Man lots of healing vibes and we hope Lady doesn't come down with the nastiness too.

  7. Sorry to hear the evil covid has visited your house. Hopefully no one will get really sick from it.

  8. Wishing the man a speedy recovery.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  9. If you get a mild case of COVID its the perfect mini vacation. Thankfully will all have 87,000 COVID tests sent to us by the government.

  10. all the people I have known that went on cruises, came home with some type of disease, from flu and dysnetery to covid and bad colds. hope Man feels better and you and the pups don't catch the Covid disease.. stay warm and safe inside

  11. Oh watcha gonna do when it comes to you ........ so sorry, dear Lady, stay away from daMan.

  12. Oh I hope you aren't too sick and will recover quickly. I still haven't had it. Got my fifth shot just last week.

  13. Oh no! Handsome Phod, you are doing a good job helping your Man get better!


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