
Monday, August 22, 2022

Mischief Monday - Other Dogs

 This was a week where other dogs and our people win the mischief

First, last Monday, Dylan and Callie came over for dinner.

Callie not only played with Precious, but after she left, Lady realized she had pooped in the bedroom. 

Then on Saturday a worst thing happened. Man and Lady went out for 87 million hours and came back smelling like other puppies. We went through the camera roll and found the following.

They went to a party and meet an Australian Shepherd named Luna. This may be forgivable as they didn't know there would be a dog at the party. 

Now, the really mischief is, they intentionally went to another friend's house to meet a Yorkipoo, also named Luna. 

So on Saturday, while we were alone, there were pets and belly rubs to other dogs. We have no words.

Two very disgruntled dogs. 


  1. oh my a triple mischief for your people... how can they bring the good weather back? not possible huh?

  2. I have no words too, other than

  3. Completely unacceptable, on all fronts!

  4. Hari OM
    I join the voices of outrage; first that Callie could think to trash your hospitality so; second that the Man and Lady could betray you so!!! You have all the right in the world to be a pair of disgruntdawgs!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. this is totally outrageous! How dare they? Home alone and having to smell the fun they have with other dogs should be punished. I think Callie took care of that for you with her poopie

  6. O...M...D!!!! There is no excuse for this....many, many, MANY treats would hardly make up for this travesty!

  7. Wow! We can't believe your pawrents would cheat on you so badly. It sounds like someone should keep a close eye on Callie if she comes to visit again.

  8. Lee and Phod you need to give Lady and Man a serious lecture. It is one thing to go meet to Lunas and to come home smelling like them BUT TO PUT THEIR PHOTOS ON YOUR BLOG
    is unACCEPTABLE. Human cannot be trusted!! I know Lady was happy to have Dylan visit and you two are on the fence about Callie's manners. BOL
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Callie wasn’t a very good guest, was she. At least your Lady only came home smelling like other dogs…and didn’t bring any home. :)


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