
Monday, April 18, 2022

Mischief Monday - Last Dear Man Post

Dear Man,

If things went as planned, you arrived home late last night. Welcome home! We can't wait to hear about your trip in detail. You are not the most detailed tester. 

We must take cover

Overall, Lady says she gives us a B for the week. We were good at walking and did no damage when she left the house. We went to camp and were not embarrassing. For the most part, we slept through the night (except the night there was assassins on the deck and we barked a lot - the curtains should arrive tomorrow). We didn't want to eat normally and we wanted to get up too early. We also have been drinking a lot of water.

The most mischief was Friday evening. Lady says it wasn't a Good Friday. In the afternoon, it became super windy. Some trees blew down at Callie's. Then right at the time Lady had a virtual chat with friends scheduled, there was some thunder.

Hold me I am scared

The power flickered 87 million 4 times. We were sure we were going to die. 

Lady put us on leashes and held us while she was chatting. 

This leash is preventing me from destroying the house

Lady made the mistake of being lulled into a false sense of security and letting Lee offleash. In less than 5 minutes, Lee peed on the bed in Lady's office, and rubbed her nose on it so much, it looked like a crime scene. Lee's nose was also a bloody mess. Lady says a new bed with a waterproof cover should be here tomorrow as well. Lee has peed too many times on this bed and it won't survive a washing so it is in the garbage.

I wonder if the Easter Bunny needs a red nosed dog?

The storm didn't last long and we settled for the evening and had a good night. 

Overall, we had a good week, but we did miss you enough to not want to eat right. That is a lot of missing, especially from Lee.

love your B students, Lee and Phod



  1. that are THAT moments... if we think now it is ok and over... and when we see one minute later that we were wrong LOL

  2. I would say Lady has the patience of a saint. New curtains and a new bed, oh my.

  3. Hari OM
    Mercy, but that must have seemed a very long week for you both (and, possibly Lady as a result)... I trust that the appearance of Man this morning will have raised your tails and hope that the B might at least have a plus sign added! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. We hope your man arrived home safe and sound. You two did a good job of being as well behaved as possible considering one of the family was missing for a whole week!

  5. I hope as I type this you are all 4 snuggled together and eating breakfast or just waking up or out walking together and the man is home safe and sound... sorry about that storm and happy it was not a long one. who knows how many beds would need to be replaced. kisses for the raw nose

  6. We think this deserves an A-minus. Or at least a B-plus.

  7. A B-score is excellent when there are nasty thunderstorms happening.

  8. Well, that wasn't too bad! B's will get you into most colleges right??!!

    We hope the man had a nice trip and is home safe and sound!
    Rosy, Jakey & Sunny

  9. Too funny: assassins on the deck and we barked a lot. Good job on the scary barking!
    I hope Man had a wonderful trip. I know he was missed by all
    Hugs cecilia

  10. A B is excellent! Cinnamon hides in the bedroom when Mom goes out and leaves us alone at home (with Alex). She won't even talk to him until Mom gets home! We bet you will so furry excited when the Man is home (and your Mom is happy too).
    Purrs Marv


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