
Thursday, March 31, 2022

Nature Friday on Thursday

 Thanks to Rosy for hosting this. We are posting a day early because tomorrow is Phod's birthday!

Recently we have been showing you a group of wild turkeys that have made our yard their home. All the turkeys we showed were female.

Last week, the male showed up. Lady calls him Charles.

Even when he isn't showing off, he is a big guy!

We wonder how long it will be before we have baby turkeys?


  1. oooh we know what is in his bowl tomorrow... or are we wrong? LOL

  2. ... they'll arrive on the 4th of July ... (when the snow is gone, ya know)

  3. Hari OM
    Clearly the turkey has no fear being near... which I think is fabulous! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Beautiful feathers on The Big Guy! And great photos!

  5. oh yay, hope to see some tiny turkeys.. he is truly a big guy. he looks a lot like the one that attacked me when I was 8, so am not all that fond of turkeys. except on my plate ha ha

  6. We have to laugh because your mom named the turkey after our dad! BOL!

  7. Charles suits him perfectly. He looks quite dignified
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. We bet you have babe turkeys by the time the snow melts!!
    Thanks for joining us for NF a day early!!
    Jakey, Rosy & Sunny

  9. We have a male turkey hanging around here too. He's big!

  10. Whoa...Charles is quite the specimen. I can almost hear the tick, tick, tick of little turkey feet running around.


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