
Monday, February 28, 2022

Mischief Monday - A Night of Tap Dancing - by Phod

Last Tuesday, we had a bit of a freezing rain storm. Around 10 pm the power went out.  Lady was in bed asleep and was very confused to be woken up by the sounds of us trying to get into the bedroom and Man making a fire. She got up, got her phone and set it as an alarm. The peeps have a device free bedroom, except the Kobo is occasionally allowed, and have an old school alarm clock.

A picture the Lady took in the pitch black with her phone of me pacing

The Man decided to sleep on the couch so he could keep the fire going.

Around 1:30 am the power came back on. The Man moved back to bed. The rest of the night it flickered on and off. 

As you may know, I hate when the power goes out. While Hailey settled in the first 30 minutes, I spent the whole night pacing around, on and off the bed. Because we have a laminate flooring in the bedroom, Lady said it sounded like I was tap dancing all night. 

Needless to say, we were all very tired in the morning and while some of us had to work, some of us spent the entire day sleeping.


  1. Hari OM
    Oh dear, Zaphod... it's hard work being the light guard! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. I laughed long and hard about the tap dancing dog on wood floors, I can tell you that dogs tap dancing on ceramic tile is enough to wake the dead. Beau even makes noise pacing on carpet. sorry for the loss sleep except of course the non workers in the house

  3. I know it's not nice, but sometimes, when I am up all night with a pup, I want to awaken him when I see him counting sheep the next day!

  4. that is scary for us pets when the power acts up... we hope it stay now and you have a warm and bright crib...

  5. It's no fun to have a sleepless night but we're glad you finally got some rest, Phod.

  6. It's so stressful to lose your power at any time but when it's freezing out, it's 87 thousand times worse and we're so glad they didn't make you wait too long.

  7. Phod I'm with you about the noises when the power goes out. Our Bose radio in the bedroom makes funny noises, then when it tries come back on lots of groaning flickers.
    Weird thing is we woke up on Saturday morning the microwave and oven clocks were blinking and the furnace had not warmed the use up to 70 by 6 am. Lo and Behold power was out WHY no clue.
    Weather was fine etc.
    Hugs cecilia

  8. We have a generator that we can use to keep the power on for most of the house. Sometimes we get ice or wind storms that can knock out power for days here is WNY. Hope things are back to normal for you pups.

  9. Poor Phoddy...we are so glad that you, at least, got to sleep in the next day!
    Jakey, Rosy and Sunny

  10. You poor fellow. A sleep in seems only fitting after a restless night.

  11. Power outages are pawsitively horrible my furiend. Hope you took the day to rest. 💜 nose nudges 💜

  12. It's stressful for everyone when the power goes out. Hopefully it will stay on...and you can all get some rest.

  13. You earned that sleepy day, P. Blackouts. Ugh.

    Love and licks,

  14. The world is sure crazy. We all need to recharge. I took week off of work and it did me good.
    Coffee is on and stay safe


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