
Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Helping Out - by Lee

Dear pals,

Last week we had a grand adventure. We got up, went for a walk and got into the car and drove to Grammy and the Big Guy's!  (The only problem with this adventure is because Phod gets so car sick, there was no breakfast!)

Taking up more than my share of back seat

Grammie and the Big Guy were feeling better from their vaccines and Lady had said if the weather was nice (it is an 84 km/52 mi drive) she would come and help them with some things around the house. 

The Man spent the day helping the Big Guy install smart switches. These are light switches that are Alexa enabled and you can tell them to turn on and off. I was a great supervisor. 

While the Men were doing that, Lady and Grammie took on the basement. It was the last frontier since they moved. There were boxes that hadn't even been opened yet. While they didn't go through every box, they got them organized, they got ride of 4 bags of garbage, and they found some things Grammie had been looking for. 

Phod found all of this a little scary. The power being off, the Lady moving things, the people not being on the same floor. 

Me, I took it all in stride and was a great supervisor! 


  1. phod hat is a good idea to stay under cover while the humans work ;O)

  2. Lee, at least you don't get sick and seem to adjust to whatever is going on. Imagine what would happen if both of you were the same. Tell Phod I laughed out loud over the table cloth drape. you both look well and happy and I hope you are home safe my now.. I know your grammys were happy for all your help

  3. How nice that you got to see your Grammy and the Big Guy. Too bad that you get car sick and then were nervous about the activities, Phod.

  4. Grammie and Big Guy were so very lucky to have you 4 there to help/snoopervise
    I'm thankful they feel better after the vaccine
    Hugs cecilia

  5. Hari OM
    what wonderfurs it is that you got to visit the grandies - AND be helpful to them! Or pawhaps in Phod's case, a distraction! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Our babies are so used to routine. Mine like to go for car rides, but they are mainly to the vet now... so... not so fun!

  7. We had to laugh at you hiding underneath the tablecloth, Phod☺ That Alexa is sure smart!

  8. Hiding under the table is always very helpful. Moms like that a lot. Alexa is very smart. Once when she stopped working Mom said, "Now what? I don't know how to make the TV turn on without Alexa..."

    Love and licks,

  9. Lightning would have been right there with you under the table, Phod. Misty and Timber would have been the nosy supervisors wanting to get a sniff out of everything. Misty sympathizes with you for no breakfast. She had the same torture this morning pre-surgery. She is home now and very ready for her dinner.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. Lee you are terrific! Me, Cinnamon, I am more like Phod...


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