
Friday, October 15, 2021

Nature Friday - Autumn Hike - by Phod

 Dear pals,

Saturday of Thanksgiving was a beautiful fall day. It was 20C/68F. We went for a hike in the woods behind our house. This is Callie's forest but her peeps said we can use the trails!  Come with us! 

I match the ground

Huge fungi

The whole pack

Lady says this ferns make her think she is in Jurassic Park

Hope you enjoyed our stroll through a golden world!

Thanks to Rosy for hosting this! 


  1. Awesome woodland hike.
    Our fungi seem to be particularly huge this year. Is it the same where you are?

  2. that is nice from callie to offer you her walking area... we found mushrooms too... one... if we put all together we can surprise our staff...

  3. Hari OM
    OMD that was a breath of fresh air!!! Love the ussie... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. i very much enjoyed the nature walk and now i need to purchase pants in phodcammo, the new leggin fabirc. Phod disapears in the photo with all of you and tell Hailey she is perfect for night cammon. no hiding in those fall colors for sure.. wish we had a place like this to walk

  5. Thank you for taking me along on the walk! Our fungi are particularly large this year, in the SE USA.

  6. What a beautiful autumn hike and we bet the leaves smelled absolutely glorious!

  7. Wow! You sure have some great autumn colors! We loved seeing it all!

  8. Oh Phod...please thank Callie's peeps for allowing you and your pack walk in her forest.
    I was certainly a beautiful trek. I am a bit prejudiced but in my opinion you were my favorite Fun-gi there! BOL BOL
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Wowsers, what a beautiful Autumn you're having.
    Thanks for taking us along with you!
    Rosy and the Gang

  10. What a beautiful place for a walk. We love all the fungi you found.

  11. What a great hike!!! So much to see in full nature.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  12. Such a wonderful place to walk, and couldn't ask for better weather.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  13. What a beautiful forest and golden time of year!

  14. What a great walk! Did you guys roll in the leaves? Cinnamon likes to roll in the leaves (especially if there is something YUCKY underneath)! We love the colors in the fall, yours look spectacular.


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