
Monday, August 16, 2021

Mischief Monday Too Hot

 Dear pals,

Last week was too hot. While the temperatures were "only" in the 30s/high 80s low 90s, it felt like the 40s/over a hundred. The humidity was intense. It did not cool down at night. It was so hot that even Phod could see the value of the air conditioning until in the bedroom. Science says this is the new normal. We aren't sure we like it, but we do like visiting the lake to cool down.

This week looks more more reasonable, so we shouldn't melt! 


  1. at least you have your own lake and you can go swimming when you feel hot ;O)

  2. You're lucky to have your lake where you can go swimming to cool off. We hope you have cooler weather to come.

  3. Hari OM
    Kerazy Kly Mate. Thank dog for water places. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Wow, look at that brand new dock over cool waters!

  5. You're lucky to have a nice lake to cool off in. That looks so refreshing!

  6. Phod what a handsome photo of you in the water and Lee on the dock.
    Here we have more reasonable temps too. No triple digits
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. You're so lucky that you have your very own lake to cool off it, Phod! We have had a couple of really nice days but tomorrow, the heat and humidity climbs again. ugh.

  8. Such a nice lake to cool off in Hailey...we are so glad you re ot going to melt this week!
    Rosy and the Gang

  9. It's good to have a way to cool off, be it water or air conditioning. We've had it for summer and are ready for autumn.

  10. I so much don't want this steamy weather to be the new normal.

  11. I am not fan of water, but that lake sure does look cool.

    Love and licks,

  12. We had all that heat and humidity too. It was awful! But it was cooler this weekend...and today too!

  13. Here too!! The humidity has been TERRRRRRIBLES this summer!!! While good keepin' the fire danger down, terrible for the comfort. We're just not used to it! It's usually around 20%, it's stayed around 50%! Way too sticky for me! 😓
    Anyhu, at least you guys have a lake to cool down in! we don't have a drop here! BOL!
    Keep cool my furiends!
    Ruby ♥


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