
Thursday, July 8, 2021

Every Seat is Good - by Hailey

 On Canada Day, because it is allowed as our Covid rules lessen, we went to see Grammie and the Big Guy. Aunt C and her family were there too.

I really like going to their house because there are a lot of great places to sit and relax while still supervising. 

There is the settee where you can see the people on the deck and watch the front door.

There is my favourite chair, which is the perfect size for me.

There is a nice carpet if you want to stretch out. Did you know my peeps have 0 carpet in their house because they think I will pee on it? 

There was even a towel by the patio door so I could closely supervise the BBQing of the prime rib.

It is a super comfy place and I can't wait to go back. 


  1. we agree with you!!! we have either just 2 small carpets in our crib... for da same reason... we use it when we have a thunderstorm in our stomach.... ;O)

  2. What a fun visit for you, Hailey! We have wall to wall carpeting here at Landlord Bob's house and mom is always letting me know that we don't own it and we NEED to take care of it. So far so good.

  3. What considerate hosts! The accommodations are A+. We have almost no rugs because they collect FUR! beautiful (when it remains attached to its owner) Cardigan fur!

  4. yay for your vacation spot and a wonderful visit. looks like the perfect place for all of you...Beau prefers carpet to chairs, and Big boy preferred ceramic tile. glad you had a great time

  5. Hari OM
    Wow, that was a five pawstar visit then?! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. We're glad to hear you had such a good time on your visit to see Grammie and the Big Guy. They sure have lots of great places to hang out.

  7. Glad you were able to visit your relatives.

    Our angel Joey dog had a favorite spot in the house too. It was right in the middle of the house where he could see both doors, the kitchen, living room, dining room and the stairs. We put a little rug in that spot so he would be more comfy.

  8. To be able to supervise the BBQ on a comfy towel by the door---just what every dog would like.

  9. Grandpeeps have the most wonderful treasures that they freely share. Looks like your visit was splendid
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Wow, so many great places to sit. It must be so hard to decide!

  11. It does sound pretty comfy. Plus prime rib!!! OMGoodness! #dontburythelead

    Love and licks,

  12. Oh what fun!!!!! I'm glad that you love it so much and that you can go back soon!

  13. Carpet is nice especially when wood floors are slick to get up from, right Norman?


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