
Wednesday, February 3, 2021

In Pursuit of Flavours

Hi all, we are joining The Canadian Cats for this month's in pursuit of flavours. As you may know, our Lady is not a cook. She could be if she had to be but since our Man keeps her fed, she doesn't bother. She is however a baker so sweets for my sweet was the perfect thing for her to join.

Sometime early in the pandemic Lady found theses Pumpkin oat muffins. They are easy to make. She has made them almost every weekend since she found the recipe.  Lady doesn't have pumpkin pie spice, she just combines cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg. 

Now there is one serious problem with this recipe. Lady can't share because of the chocolate. Therefore, we can't personally state the safety and enjoyability of them. We can say, Man who would say he doesn't like pumpkin loves them.

Here is hoping her next baking project is dog friendly. 


  1. they look super tasty... and we can enjoy the smell. well always sigh...

  2. They look so yummy! Bummer that you didn't get to try them.

  3. tell your baker mama to make one cup cake without the chocolate just for canine enjoyment. looks yum from here

  4. No worries Hailey I can see from the photo the muffins are moist and yummy....
    Chef Lady has made excellent use of her time during the lockdown
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Hari Om
    oh... yummers... now I don't have any pumpkin at the moment, but I do have sweet potato... (wanders away pondering deeply...) Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Those look delish but we think your pawrents should pick out the chocolate pieces and give you a taste.

  7. Ask her if she can make a batch for you doggies without the chocolate chips.

  8. Oh yum! Love a good pumpkin recipe. I may even bake a batch with carob chips which are dog safe.

  9. They look really delicious looking. We know that mom will bake a patch of doggie safe treats for you soon. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. Have a great rest of your day.
    World of Animals Bensalem

  10. Mom makes pumpkin muffins with chocolate chips too. She is going to try your recipe. Maybe she could set aside a bit of the mixture before she adds that chocolate so we could have some too:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  11. Mom is so making those muffins-they look absolutely WONDERFUL! And we made Peanut Butter and Bacon Dog Cookies for the today! They are so wonderful, even us cats like them! Mom says they are only a little bit messier than muffins to make. Have a marvellously Happy Day!

  12. You poor poor doggos! Yes, next project must be dog-friendly!!!

  13. Ma doesn't cook eithers. She says it's a chore, and it stresses her out. 😉 Butts, she too bakes, and these look right up her ally! I wish I had smell-o-vision! BOL!!
    Ruby ♥

  14. Tell her to leave the chocolate out of two muffins every time she makes them, so there are two safe for taste-testing!

  15. That looks pretty yummy. Plus would it kill her to make one with no chocolate? #gimme #sharingiscaring

    Love and licks,


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