
Friday, January 29, 2021

FFF Nature Friday - WHooooo Do You See

 Thanks to Rosy for hosting Nature Friday. 


It was an exciting week for us in the owl department. We have lived in the hills for 8.5 years and while we have heard the owls, we have not seen them.

Our first spotting was Sunday morning on our morning walk. Down the road I spied one sitting in a tree. It was just before 8 am and she was staring at us. I regretted not having any device to caputure her image. So imagine how excited I was on Thursday morning when during a zoom consult, I saw movement from the corner of my eye and there she was! I actually paused my meeting to call the Man (who captured this picture). She was there for about 15 minutes before moving on.

Thanks to Yamini for hosting FFF.

The little birds sound the alarm

An intruder to them who may do them harm

But when I look it is beauty I see

Wisdom and grace have come to our tree.


  1. owl-la la we love owls and we love da pawem ;O)

  2. 'Wisdom and grace have come to our tree'. That is so beautiful, and we are thrilled that Man captured the owl with his camera.
    Happy Nature FFF Friday!

  3. Fabulous shot and we love your poem!

  4. Hari OM
    OH my.... this is beyond wonderful!!! YAM xx

  5. this is sooooo exciting. we had the same thing happen last year, a screech owl screeching from the tree in our front yard, he sat there for 10 minutes even when I opened the door to take photos. he was 20 feet from our porch and on a limb that was eye level, about 10 feet off the ground. I still feel excitement when I think about him.. thank the man for capturing the moment

  6. You are so lucky to capture that picture of the owl. We've heard many owls around our house but have only spotted them in day light a handful of times in the 30 years we've lived here and never had a chance to get pictures.

  7. K10 I understand and can feel your excitement an glee as I read your beautiful Ode to the Owl.
    It is such an honor to see them in their environment
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. So happy for your magical moment captured in poetry and picture.

  9. Super pawesome!! One of Momma's cousins lives way out in the country, and she frequently hears and occasionally sees owls!

  10. That is soooo cool. I've been told seeing an owl is good luck. 🦉

  11. Great photo!!! We hear the owls along the trail behind our house, but we have never actually seen one.

    Woos - Lighting, Misty, and Timber

  12. We also have owl here in North Idaho
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  13. OMD, that is so PAWSOME!!!! Such a beauty!!!! That is one burdie of prey that we haven't seen live in the furs (or feathers, as it may be...BOL!!!) Very cool capture!
    Ruby ♥

  14. WOW! That is such a great shot! And through your window! I KNOW there is an owl living in the tree beside my bedroom, I hear it at night (thus the cats are NOT allowed out after dusk) but I have never ever seen it! Thanks for sharing! Have a marvellously Happy Day!

  15. We've also had Barred Owls around, and we hear them more than we see them. They are a bit shy and they are by far, one of my most favorites!

  16. Hoot, hoot - I love owls. I love the photo!!!!

  17. Great shot of the Owl, blending in so perfectly with it's surroundings. I once saw one of those tiny Owls in the City, standing in a Tree in the Parking Lot by a Bookstore, just inches from my Head! I managed to get my Cellphone out and take a pix, it was quietly standing on one Leg Calmly looking at me, Surreal Moment!


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