
Thursday, December 24, 2020

A Christmas Eve Post


T'was the night before Christmas and all through the land

People were tired of washing their hands.

The puppies were happy to have their peeps home

they always knew where they did roam.

Our masks were nestled from our noses to our chins

But looking at our eyes you could see a big grin.

The end was coming, I’m happy to say,

Things would be normal again soon one day.


Science has been busy during this very crazy year,

The smartest people have gotten their butts in gear,

They have created a Nobel worthy vaccine,

Once we all have it the world may be more serene. 


As we hunkered down for a quiet celebration,

Which very much resembled a stay at home vacation,

We took the time to reflect on a year,

Which taught us all what we really hold dear.


Lady said she is grateful for all of the health,

It may be the bestest measure of true wealth.

She was built for a very reclusive life,

Leaving our dwelling causes her such strife.


The Man has gotten used to working in the house,

Which funny enough hasn’t had a problem mouse.

While he misses the people from his big office,

It is better to stay at home and be very cautious.


Phod has enjoyed his role as work supervisor,

He keeps a close eye on our early early riser.

Precious has helped him share the big load,

Guarding the people and monitoring the road.


Hailey has been the one to benefit the most.

She had the best year ever she would happily boast.

She has not needed much of her medication,

She has been more relaxed then Lady on vacation.


While our house has been abnormally blessed,

We appreciate for others 2020 has been messed.

As the year slowly comes to a long-awaited end,

To all of you struggling our love we do send.


In this topsy-turvy world there is something we keep,

Santa will have come when we wake up from our sleep.

May your stockings be full and your hearts feel light,

Have a Covid-free Christmas and to all a good night!


  1. LOVE the poen, your life in a poem... Merry Christmas to you from Beau me, we hope you get what you wished for under your tree.. Lee at least she did not make you wear the plastic mask

  2. we love the poem and we hope you are right and mr. normal is back... merry merry christmas to you

  3. What a hopeful poem. Merry Christmas!

  4. K10 my word above this is absolutely 87,000% beautiful I hope somehow you can copyright it...
    Well done every single word bravo.

    Thank you for the smiles and may we all bid 2020 a very fond and swift farewell.
    Warm hugs you 4 and I Big Guy, Mom, Sis and her family and Chris and all the furries

  5. Hari OM
    OMG - this is F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S.!!! Hoorah to Lady, hoorah to Man, Hoorah to Zaphod and Hoorah to Hailey - you have all weathered with storm that was 2020 and here's hoping by this time next year a different rhythm will spur your creativity! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. That is a perfect poem for this past year. We hope next year will be better for everyone but maybe your pawrents will still work from home more than not. Merry Christmas!

  7. Love, love, love this! Happy Holidays to all of you!

  8. That was one pawsome and clever poem. With our very best COVID free wishes and tail wags to you all. Merry Christmas 🕯🎄🎅🏻

  9. That is such a good Christmas Eve 2020 poem. Says it all really.
    We say "hats off" to the scientists!

  10. That was just GREAT!!! We sure do hope that 2021 is going to go much better for all. We too have had a rough year, but so many have had it much worse, and for that we are so very sorry. Bring on that vaccine, the sooner, the better.

    Merry Christmas from all of us. We hope Santa leaves lots of goodies for everyone.

    Jolly Jingling Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  11. Happy Holidays and hope for joyful 2021.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  12. OMD dis is da bestest Chrissymas poem efur!!! We hope you all has a pawesome Chrissymas full of nommies and stuffies :)

    Matt & Matilda

  13. Oh, I looooooved that Christmas poem!!! Just pawsome! I hopes that Santa Paws is very good to you this year my furiends! Stay safe, and keep healthy and have a Very Merry Christmas 🌲
    Ruby ♥

  14. What wise (and witty) words ... we so enjoyed your poem, top to bottom and in between!
    Happy Christmas to one and all.

  15. This is the best poem we read all day! We love all the warm wishes and updates and reality checks. Best wishes for a happy holiday season and a much easier 2021.

    Love and licks,


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