
Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020 Recap and Resolutions - by Lee

What can I say. I had my best year ever. Yes, I did pee on the floor out of spite several times, and I didn't always listen, but there was no destruction. In fact, I didn't need daily meds. I needed my Valium like 2 times. What was the difference between last year and this? Well, I am far more mature but mainly my peoples didn't leave me much. So it turns out it was their fault I was destructive.

Anyway for 2021 I plan to continue to be me. I make no promises that I won't just do what I want to. My biggest goal is to catch one of the cats or squirrels I see daily. I also resolve to sleep awkwardly on Lady's legs most nights so she knows how much I love her. I resolve to hypnotize my people daily for treats and demand more belly rubs. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

2020 Recap and Resolutions - by Phod

 Dear pals,

While I appreciate that overall 2020 was a hard year for the world, it was a good year for me. I got promoted to Lady's work place supervisor and for 3 months got to supervisor her 24/7. Now I get to supervise her about 5/7 days. She only had the vile suitcase out twice this year and so long ago I hardly remember. I got to go swimming a lot. I made friends with the neighbour's kids and their puppy. I got to play ball almost every day at lunch. 

In 2021 I resolve to continue to be the best work place supervisor. I want all of the people Lady zooms with to continue to ask where I am if they can't se me in the background. I resolve to continue to cry and whine at any closed door one of my people are behind. I resolve to be nice to puppy Callie but I do hope she learns to not hang from my face. I resolve to play ball or disc at lunch.I resolve to continue to be the best Phod I can be.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Mischief Monday - Christmas Edition

Third place for holiday mischief goes to Lady, who really did a bad job at taking pictures over the holidays.

Second place goes to Hurricane Emma. Note: (Her Christmas visit didn't violate any Covid rules because people who live alone are allowed to have close contact with one other household. Emma was slightly insulted that she didn't count as a person. Uncle Chris was happy to be over.) Emma came, ripped up toys and left a huge mess. She growled and snapped at Phod for no reason. She cried when the people were eating and she over-ate her Christmas dinner and threw up. 

The Hurricane is suppose to spend 6 months with us starting in January but the new Covid strain may change Uncle Chris' work assignment. 

The winner of  Christmas mischief is Hailey. The peeps love to play long board games. They have a lot and this Christmas they got 2 new ones. One evening, around 5:30 they were sitting at the table playing. Hailey had been sleeping on the settee. Without the people noticing she got up, went downstairs and peed on one of the blankets by the fire. The people figures this out because they heard her digging the blanket. She then came back upstairs, hopped up on the settee and went back to sleep. She didn't even ask to go out. Sigh!

                                                                             I feel no guilt. 

In spite this mischief, we had a nice Christmas full of fun and thoughtful gifts. The Man is on vacation this week and the Lady works 2.5 days this week (all from home).We are now back in lockdown, but this time Lady's work is allowed to continue. This is good as it is hard for her clients (kids with autism and their families) to go too long without service. (In the US she would be considered essential). 

We hope you all had a wonderful a Christmas! 

Friday, December 25, 2020

Thursday, December 24, 2020

A Christmas Eve Post


T'was the night before Christmas and all through the land

People were tired of washing their hands.

The puppies were happy to have their peeps home

they always knew where they did roam.

Our masks were nestled from our noses to our chins

But looking at our eyes you could see a big grin.

The end was coming, I’m happy to say,

Things would be normal again soon one day.


Science has been busy during this very crazy year,

The smartest people have gotten their butts in gear,

They have created a Nobel worthy vaccine,

Once we all have it the world may be more serene. 


As we hunkered down for a quiet celebration,

Which very much resembled a stay at home vacation,

We took the time to reflect on a year,

Which taught us all what we really hold dear.


Lady said she is grateful for all of the health,

It may be the bestest measure of true wealth.

She was built for a very reclusive life,

Leaving our dwelling causes her such strife.


The Man has gotten used to working in the house,

Which funny enough hasn’t had a problem mouse.

While he misses the people from his big office,

It is better to stay at home and be very cautious.


Phod has enjoyed his role as work supervisor,

He keeps a close eye on our early early riser.

Precious has helped him share the big load,

Guarding the people and monitoring the road.


Hailey has been the one to benefit the most.

She had the best year ever she would happily boast.

She has not needed much of her medication,

She has been more relaxed then Lady on vacation.


While our house has been abnormally blessed,

We appreciate for others 2020 has been messed.

As the year slowly comes to a long-awaited end,

To all of you struggling our love we do send.


In this topsy-turvy world there is something we keep,

Santa will have come when we wake up from our sleep.

May your stockings be full and your hearts feel light,

Have a Covid-free Christmas and to all a good night!

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Our Christmas Card

 Today we joining the LLB Gang's Christmas Card Blog Hop.

This is the card we sent this year.

You can learn more about the Farley Foundation HERE.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Monday, December 21, 2020

Mischief Monday - But Do You Recall

The most reluctant reindeer of all . . .

Phody and Hailey Merritt
had a very taxing life
and if you ever asked them
they would say it was full of strife.

All of the other puppies
use to laugh and say no way
they would never let their people
treat them in such embarrassing ways!

But the price for living here is not hard to pay,
wear you hat and stay real still 
and soon the camera goes away.

Then how their bellies loved them
as they were stuffed with treats
the hat tax is preferable
to life on the streets. 


Friday, December 18, 2020

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Dear Santa - by Phod

 Dear Santa,

I really try to be the best boy I can be. I am not perfect and sometimes my listening ears don't work (I blame the infections), but I try. 

This year for Christmas I would like:

More Precious play time and not to be stiff after

No ear infections

Lots of snow for snow angels

Neighbour Callie to learn to play nicer

My Lady to continue to be home more than she is not

Lots of snuggles

Thank you Santa. I hope you are yours are safe and healthy and you have safe travels.

Love Zaphod 

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Dear Santa - by Lee

 Dear Santa,

In previous years it may have been questionable if I really was a good girl, but this year there is no question, I nailed it. While I appreciate the challenges so many have faced during the pandemic, having my people home all the time has been good for me. This year for Christmas I would like:

Some new babies to destroy

An increase in my food and treats 

More treats (chicken ones would be good so I don't have to share with Phod)

Not a puppy - Neighbour Callie is enough puppy time outside in my yard. I don't need one in my house

I hope you have a very safe trip and remember to wear your PPE and wash your hands often during your trip. You are going to be exposed to a lot of different people and given your age and weight are likely high risk for Covid. Be careful! 

Love the best Hailey girl.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Hat Tax - Hanukkah Edition

 To all our friends who celebrate - we hope you are having a Happy Hanukkah! 

Friday, December 11, 2020

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Our Favourite Things


Precious and Disc and Making Snow Angels

Off leash adventures, peeps on my timetable

Watching my Lady as she is working

These are a few of my favourite things.

Sleeping by fires and on Lady's legs

Dinner on time when I don't have to beg

Cookies for free that don't come with trick strings

These are a few of my favourite things.

When the treat's done

When the peeps leave

When we're feeling sad.

We simply remember our favourite things

And then we don't feel so bad! 

Monday, December 7, 2020

Mischief Monday - The Hat Tax

It is that time of year, time to pay the hat tax! For those of you new here, the hat tax is a tax we pay because we are 'freeloaders.' We don't contribute to the household, so several times per year, we have to tolerate wearing hats and other costumes to amuse our people. Yesterday, we payed our first instalment for the Christmas season. 

Our official Christmas portrait will be shared on Christmas Day and our ecards will be prepared over the next week, but until then, you will see samples of our cooperation with this tax! 


Friday, December 4, 2020

Nature Friday Try 3

After many, many HBO words (and Lady was at work) here is the 3rd attempt to share this video! 

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Tis The Season

The holiday season is upon us. We got our first real snow a week ago. We got 25cm/10 inches overnight. Much of it has melted because it has been above freezing. It was the perfect snowman weather on Friday so during my lunch I whipped up a snow person, who melted enough to fall over later in the afternoon. It was fun and I can't remember the last time I built one.

Friday, Hailey helped me with the Blogville snail mail cards. I wanted to get them in the mail on Saturday in hopes they may make it before Christmas.The postal outlet, in our corner store, was very busy and it took a long time to get the stamps. As it is the only holiday line I will likely be in, I can't complain and I was able to be 6 feet from others. My gift shopping is done. I only have 6 people to buy for, as most of my friends and family have decided to not do gifts. 

The decorating has begun. Saturday night we did the Hanukkah decorations, Sunday the Christmas one. This means one thing, soon our hat tax will be paid. Stay tuned! 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Tasty Tuesday - by Lee

It is a rare occurrence in our house that Lady is actually in the kitchen doing more than cleaning. So I was shocked Saturday morning to see her standing at the stove making French toast.

I closely supervised her and I did such a good job I was rewarded with a piece. Don't worry, Phod got some too. 

French toast on Saturday, pancakes on Sunday, it was a tasty weekend.