
Monday, November 30, 2020

Mischief Monday - Must Have Been Sleepwalking - by Lee

Saturday morning I got off the bed, went downstairs, peed on the bed that had been in front of the fire, and then went back to bed. I never even asked to go out. Man was not happy with me for not asking. I maintain I was sleepwalking because I would never go and pee on the blanket by the fire.  (If the peeps try and tell you peeing on this is a habit if they don't pick it up, ignore them.)


  1. da phenny said once he was a sleepwalker too and peed in da bed of da dad... 7 times or 9 or so ... seems even when we sleep we are creatures of habit LOL

  2. Dear Lee, To pee or not to pee: that is the question. Anyway, who wants to go out in the dark, cold Canadian night? Do your people have outhouses? I thought not. Love, Dilly Dog

  3. You should tell your parents that peeing one time is not a habit now if it's done a second time we may have the making of a habit. I do hope Bo doesn't do the sleepwalking thing. We don't want any habits around here either haha

  4. We're definitely sure you must have been sleepwalking and would never pee in the house if you were awake.

  5. Hmmm. Random peeing in the house, which I never ever used to do, was one of the symptoms this summer that prompted Gail to take me to the vet for examination. I'm now given a nice little brown tablet every morning. I haven't pee'd in the house for several weeks.
    Toodle pip!

  6. Oh dear....buts def stick wif da sleepwalking story ;)

    Matt & Matilda

  7. I 100% believe you were sleep walking Lee.
    The first night we stayed in this house (1983) favorite Sis of Angel Madi. Got up in the middle of the night, took all the linens off her bed, went down the stairs (our other house did not have stairs so it is wonder she didn't bust her head wide open), put the linens on the couch. Then went back up the stairs...woke up. Then came back downstairs to tell me her words, "Ma somebody took my lines off my bed". She had never before sleep walked nor did she ever do it again afterwards. Evidently she was very tire.
    So I don't/won't believe anybuddy but you
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Well if you weren't sleep walking maybe you aren't feeling well Fenris didn't want to go out when he had bronchitis.

  9. Maybe it wasn't you, Lee. Maybe it was the infamous...Not Me!

  10. Of course you would never do that on purpose! Harrumph!!!!

  11. Of course you were sleepwalking. And the peeps should be grateful to you for not waking them from their slumber:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  12. We'd definitely blame the cat. Course we don't have one, but that doesn't stop us from blaming one. BOL
    Your fur-iends,
    Norman and Elsa 🐾

  13. Hi cousin! I am sure you were sleep peeing indeed! Besides, how did they know it was you? It could have been Santa checking out your fireplace a few weeks early. He doesn't have a lot of time for bathroom breaks, you know!


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