
Thursday, November 5, 2020

Fall Fever

This is one of the times of year where Hailey has the most energy and wants to play. Normally she is very reserved and doesn't respond well to Phod's play initiations. However, the other night she started it. I was able to catch a few pictures on my iPad. I am sure if asked she would deny enjoying this. 


  1. pawsome! such play times are da best ... and we make da funniest noises !

  2. Have you found Hailey's diary? Has she mentioned this?

  3. There's nothing more fun than watching pups play! In this looks like they were having a really good time. That is one thing I miss when we had three dogs and then two dogs there was always a play time and they used to Chase and play fight and do all those good kind of things. But now we feel we're too old to have two dogs

  4. Hari OM
    Yay to play!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. I love it...Lee your big brudder is keeping a paw on you so you don't run too fast.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Aw, that's so nice to see them playing together. When dogs in the park indicate they want to play with Bertie he almost never accepts.
    Cheers, Gail.

  7. How pawsome!! I always love when the pups play together..Lately, Rosy, Sunny and JAkey have enjoyed some coole weather, three-way bitey face!

  8. Playing is fun. Fall is fun, too! They go well together!

    Love and licks,

  9. Hi friends, Ojo here! Happy playtimes!

  10. That is so nice. Every now and then Lightning gets the urge to be a young pup again and starts to play with Misty and Timber. It doesn't last long, but it sure is fun to see.

  11. You two look like you were having fun. We play like that too.

  12. It always warms a huMom's heart when the fur kids place together nicely. Too sweet.


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