
Tuesday, July 7, 2020

New Toy - by Phod

Dear Pals,

As Hailey told you, my Lady had to leave for 87 million years. I was a good boy, but I was sad. I was so happy when Lady came back. 

As mentioned, Lady and Aunt C inherited the contents of a dear friend's home. Missy G was like a bonus grandma and their childhood neighbour. Missy G became very much your stereotypical cat lady, with 4 or 5 house cats and goodness knows how many outdoor ones. It was a surprise to Lady and Aunt C when they found 1 dog toy in the house. Lady brought it home for us. I love it!

While I love my new toy, I love having my Lady home more. 

Your pal Phod


  1. You do look totally in love with your new froggie toy, Phod!

  2. I'm so glad you like your new toy and you look so sweet in that second picture smoothing with your toy and now I'm wondering if they put dognip. inside it haha

  3. Hari OM
    that is the face of bliss - new toy AND Lady home!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Very sweet, especially the second photo!

  5. That looks like a pretty pawesome toy! But mommas are even more fun, for sure!

  6. Hi Phod... what a nice toy and I bet that lovely tile floor is very cool for napping.
    I just caught up with Lee's mischief....which I can say I know she missed Lady but maybe a kissy would be better than a scratchy.
    Hugs cecilia

  7. That is one pawsome froggie Phod! I am glads the Lady is home nows....makes everythings right with the world....
    Ruby ♥

  8. Oh Oh, is Precious going to be jealous, Phod? That is a super duper froggie. Have you given him a name?

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. We're glad your lady is home now and what a cute toy she found for you too.

  10. We're so happy the Lady is home, and she brought you such a cool new toy!

  11. Sweet! That is a great surprise.

    Love and licks,

  12. A toy AND your lady? Sounds like Christmas in July!

  13. Dear Handsome Phod,

    That is a lovely new toy. Sweet dreams!



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