
Thursday, June 18, 2020

Hurricane Emma!

Look who came to visit! Uncle Chris and cousin Emma! We were so excited to see them!

Restrictions are slowly lifting in our part of the world. While Lady and Man are still being cautious, we did think having Uncle Chris (who has mostly been at home) and Emma was reasonably safe.

We were all well behaved (for the most part). Lee and Phod were still tired from the week's adventures. Other than taking out all the toys and trying to destroy them, Emma was good.

It was nice to see people and Lady said it was one of the most normal things that has happened in 13 weeks! 


  1. Wonderful to be able to have a few people in the expanded bubble. Stay safe!

  2. how great that the little hurricane came to you!!! have fun!!

  3. I'm so glad you got a little bit of normal! We sure could use some normal here that's what I miss the most is the absolute boring day in and day out normal. The little hurricane looks like she's trying to take the cover off the lid to the toy box

  4. The word "hurricane" got my immediate attention. I was relieved to find out that Emma was merely a dog-hurricane. It's nice to have visitors.

  5. Hari OM
    Each little step back to before... YAM xx

  6. It sure looks like you all are happy to have some company even if Emma is trying to destroy all your toys.

  7. Emma is all right with me! Have fun!

  8. Bol bol Hurricane Emma blew bringing a ton of fun.
    Glad Uncle Chris could visit.
    Phod I loved your play bow yesterday
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Everybody looks happy to be visiting after such a long time!

  10. Whew...we are tired just watching Emma!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  11. Oh wow, visitors! How exciting!

  12. Visitors sounds awesome. We've had a few repairman but no family as of yet.

  13. It's so nice to be able to see people!! Momma and I didn't even get to see our Best Guy for weeks and weeks, but finally they decided it was safe enough. I went NUTS the next time I saw him!

  14. Dat is fantastic!! Even though efuryfing fur the most part is back open here Mama, Daddy & Brudder have only visitied wif our Gram & Pap a few times cause they still want to be extra careful since Daddy and Brudder have been essential workers dis whole time.

  15. Yay for having Emma!!!! What fun.


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